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Employment and average monthly wage in selected sectors of economy in January 2024
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Employment and average monthly wage in selected sectors of economy in January 2024

Last update: 14.03.2024 | Number of views: 4627
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Sectoral statistics
Domain: Comprehensive products
Publish Date: 14.03.2024

Nominal wages also rose dynamically at the beginning of 2024, but at a slower pace than at the end of last year

In nominal terms, wages increased in all sectors, but only in industry by double digits. During the first month of the year, only the employees of the information and communication sector had lower wages in real terms compared to the previous year. Employment increased slightly in 6 out of 10 sectors monitored monthly, its decline deepened in industry.

The average nominal monthly wage in January 2024 was higher year-on-year in all 10 sectors monitored monthly. Growth compared to last year's January ranged from 1.9% in information and communication to 11% in industry. After excluding the impact of inflation, which was although decreasing, is still above the long-term average, most sectors also achieved a real wage growth. The highest real growth of wages above the level of 5% was reflected in the wages of employees in industry, in transportation and storage and in retail. Information and communication was the only one among the 10 monthly monitored sectors where real wages decreased year-on-year, by almost 2%.

The Statistical Office of the SR would like to inform that since the publication of the data for January 2024, all absolute values and values of year-on-year and month-on-month indices for monitored period have been re-calculated due to methodological adjustments – transition to a new base period (from 2015 to 2021) and application of the concept of kind-of-activity units of enterprises2) (PDF - 152 kB). The change relates to all monthly indicators of sectoral statistics.

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In the first month of 2024, employment3) rose in 6 out of 10 sectors monitored monthly. The increase in the number of employees above the level of 4% was in selected market services and also in information and communication. A slight increase above the level of 2% was in accommodation, construction, and also in sale and repair of motor vehicles. The decline in employment continued in industry, the sector recorded a lower number of employees by 2.1% than a year ago. Lower employment in this sector has continued for 23 consecutive months, and the current rate of decline is the most significant since May 2021. Three other sectors also recorded slight employment drops: wholesale, retail, and food and beverage service activities.

Note: Data on employment and wages are obtained from monthly enterprise surveys and are preliminary.

  • 1) wages are without business income, including wages of employees at self-employed persons
  • 2) since the publication of data for January 2024, the entire time series of data has been recalculated due to methodological adjustments: transition to a new base period (from 2015 to 2021); applying the concept of classifying selected indicators according to kind-of-activity units of enterprises.
  • 3) employed persons are employees and entrepreneurs

Data source: DATAcube. database:

Outputs on the topic of employment and average monthly wages in selected sectors:

Together with the publication of the data for January 2024, the entire time series were recalculated in connection with the adopted modifications of the methodology - Application of the concept of kind-of-activity units of enterprises (PDF - 152 kB).

Monthly data on nominal wages and employment represent the first preliminary data on wages in selected sectors. The Statistical Office of the SR publishes them only for 10 selected sectors - industry; construction; transport and storage; information and communication; selected market services; internal trade (retail, wholesale, sale and repair of motor vehicles, accommodation, food and beverage service activities). The data are prepared on the basis of monthly business reports.

The reference data on average wages in Slovakia are data for the quarter, which contain data in summary for 19 sectors of the economy (among others. - Education; Health care and social assistance; Professional scientific and technical activities; etc.) and the average wage for the Slovak Republic is also compiled from them. The data are prepared on the basis of quarterly reports.

  • Issued by :

  • Statistical Office of the SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovak Republic
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