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New orders in industry in January 2024
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New orders in industry in January 2024

Last update: 18.03.2024 | Number of views: 3836
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Sectoral statistics
Domain: Industry
Publish Date: 18.03.2024

Orders in industry dropped at the beginning of the year

The value of new orders in industry in January 2024 decreased by 5.8% year-on-year and reached a volume of EUR 4.96 billion. After seasonal adjustment, new orders decreased by 11% month-on-month1).

The Statistical Office of the SR would like to inform that since the publication of the data for January 2024, all absolute values and values of year-on-year and month-on-month indices for monitored period have been re-calculated due to methodological adjustments – transition to a new base period (from 2015 to 2021) and application of the concept of kind-of-activity units of enterprises2) (PDF - 153 kB). The change relates to all monthly indicators of sectoral statistics.

The volume of new orders in industry in the first month of 2024 dropped in 10 of the 12 monitored industrial sectors.

Orders decreased year-on-year mainly in manufacture of apparel, manufacture of basic metal and fabricated metal products except machinery and equipment, and in manufacture of motor vehicles, semi-trailers and trailers. Orders increased year-on-year only in manufacture of paper and paper products and in manufacture and processing of metals.

  • 1) data are seasonally adjusted by the programme JDEMETRA+ and during the processing of each month they are re-adjusted from the beginning of time series.
  • 2) absolute data are collected for selected divisions according to SK NACE Rev. 2 at current prices, indices are calculated from data at constant prices (December 2021 = 100)
  • Data source-DATAcube. Database

  • New orders in industry according to NACE Rev. 2 - monthly [pm0059ms]
  • Issued by :

  • Statistical Office of the SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovak Republic
  • Information Services :

  • tel. +421 2 50 236 339
  • +421 2 50 236 335
  • e-mail:

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