840 05 Bratislava 45
tel.: +421 2 50 236 222
The publication is an outcome of the data collected from regular household survey of domestic and outbound tourism and presents information about tourism activities of the residents of the Slovak Republic.
The first part of the publication contains information about the participation and non-participation in tourism of the residents of the Slovak Republic older than 15 years in various breakdowns (f.e. by gender, age group, length of the trip, type of destination). The second part of the publication informs about domestic and outbound trips with at least one night spent in various breakdowns (by gender, age groups, type of accommodation, mode of transport, length of trip, destination), as well as information about number of nights spent and average expenditure per trip.
In 2020, the quality of the data including its statistical deviation was influenced by significant decrease of tourism activities and difficult conditions during collection of the data in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.