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Register of Territorial Units (RPJ)
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Register of Territorial Units (RPJ)

Last update: 07.04.2020 | Number of views: 84086

Register of Territorial units (RPJ) is administered by the Registers and Classifications Department of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (SO SR) as a stand-alone register. It takes into account the interrelationships of territorial codes of regions, districts, municipalities, cadastral territories and residential units of the Slovak Republic.

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Territorial units in REGPJ are: local statistical territorial unit 2, territorial-technical Unit and basic residential unit.

Local statistical territorial unit 2 (LSUJ 2) is a component of administrative structure of territory related to settlement. It consists of a municipality, city district (in case of Bratislava town and Kosice town), and military district.
Territorial-technical unit (UTJ) is a component of territorial area structure which is not bound to settlement. It consists of cadastral territory.
Basic residential unit (ZSJ) is a component of the settlement structure of the territory bound to settlement. It consists of residential locality or urban district (in the selected cities). 

Territorial units are described by names and by identification codes.

Responsibility for territorial units:

  • Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic - for local statistical territorial units 2,
  • Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic - for technical-territorial units,
  • Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic - for basic residential unit.

Responsibility for identification codes of territorial units:

  • Statistical Office of the Slovak republic - for codes of municipalities and cadastral territories,
  • Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic - for codes of basic residential unit.

The basis for updating the Register of Territorial units are statistical questionnaires Org 5-99 (Report on the municipality – LSUJ 2) and Org 6-99 (Report on the territorial-technical unit – UTJ). These are statistical questionnaires, which are filled in by the relevant cadastral departments of district offices in the case of creation, change, correction and termination of LSUJ 2 or UTJ and send then to the SO SR up to the 14th calendar day after the change comes into force.

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