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Eurostat database
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Eurostat database


Databases are available for free directly on the Eurostat website.


There are two ways to access the data according to user needs:

  • for the average user - search in predefined tables (Tables), which contain the data of the main indicators of the EU (structural indicators, sustainable development, Euro-indicators, long-term indicators),
  • for specialist training - using a more sophisticated tool for creating custom-defined selection of data from detailed databases of Eurostat (data); Registered users of the web site have a tool with sophisticated features for the selection of data, enabling them to wider selections and downloading in various formats;

/wps/portal/ext/Databases/eu Eurostat database Z6_Q7I8BB1A08BV20I7NR1KQQGUR6 /Štatistický úrad SR - Home /Databases /Eurostat