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The National Statistical Offices and Institutes

14.12.2021 | | Number of views: 162530


Austria Statistics Austria
Belgium Statistics Belgium
Belarus National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus
Bosna a Hercegovina Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bulgaria National statistical institute
Croatia Croatian Bureau of Statistics
Cyprus Statistical Service of the Republik of Cyprus
Czech Republic Czech Statistical Office
Denmark Statistics Denmark
Estonia Statistikaamet
Faroe Islands Statistics Faroe Islands
Finland Statistics Finland
France Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (INSEE)
Germany Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland
Greece National Statistical Service of Greece
Greenland Statistics Greenland
Georgia Department for Statistics
Holland Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)
Centraal Planbureau (CPB)
Nederlands Interdisciplinair Demografisch Instituut (NIDI)
Hungary Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO)
Ireland Central Statistics Office in Ireland
Iceland Statistics Iceland
Italy National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)
Lithuania Statistics Lithuania
Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia
Luxembourg Service central de la statistique et des études économiques (STATEC)
Macedonia State Statistical Office
Malta National Statistics Office - Malta
Moldova National Bureau of Statistics
Norway Statistics Norway
Poland Statistics Poland
Portugal National Statistics Institute of Portugal
Romania National Instutute of Statistics
Russian Federation Federal State Statistics Service
Slovenia Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Scotland General Register Office for Scotland (GRO(S))
Spain Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE)
Switzerland Bundesamt für Statistik
Sweden Statistiska centralbyrán
Turkey State institute of statistics (SIS)
Ukraine State Statistics Committee of Ukraine
UK Office for National Statistics



Argenti Instituto Nacional de Estadtica y Censos (INDEC)  
Australia Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
Bolivia Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Bolivia
Brazil Brazilian Statistical and Geographic Foundation (IBGE)
China National Bureau of Statistics
Chile National Institute of Statistics (INE)
India Office of Registrar General and Census Commissioner
Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Japan Japanese Statistics Bureau
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Canada Statistics Canada
Mexiko National Institute of Statistics, Geography, and Informatics
New Zealend Statistics New Zealand
Turkey Turkish Statistical Institute
USA U.S. Government / U.S. Data and Statistics
Federal Reserve Board  
Bureau of the Census

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