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News: The benchmark revision will precise data on GDP and the performance of the Slovak economy over the past thirty years as early as on 18 October
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News: The benchmark revision will precise data on GDP and the performance of the Slovak economy over the past thirty years as early as on 18 October

Last update: 03.10.2024 | Number of views: 281
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Publisher: Štatistický úrad SR
Publish Date: 03.10.2024

The Statistical Office of the SR reminds that it is moving the date of release of revised data on gross domestic product including and all related data within the national accounts from the originally planned date of October 21, 2024 to the new, earlier date of October 18, 2024. The benchmark revision is carried out in accordance with the 2024 Revision Calendar and will affect all quarterly and annual structures of gross domestic product, including other data describing the performance of the Slovak economy. The release date was adjusted within the joint coordination of the national and European statistical system.

The standard revisions of national accounts data are carried out regularly twice a year, in spring (April) and autumn (October). In addition, a benchmark revision is carried out every five years, which will be carried out in the autumn term in 2024 (the last one was realized in 2019). In this year's extensive revision, statistical data will be recalculated in a time series back from 1995.

Benchmark revision is a tool for improving the quality of statistical data. It is a set of procedures that represent the incorporation of new data sources and additional input information, as well as updated and new methodological procedures. To ensure comparability, revisions are carried out in long time series, their content, deadlines and implementation are coordinated throughout the EU. Revisions of national accounts thus respond to changing user needs, legal requirements and methodological improvements. The result is more accurate data on the state of the economy, which serve as the basis for policy making and measures.

More detailed information in Annex 1 - 2024 benchmark revision of national accounts and balance of payments: Motivation, changes and implementation (PDF - 113 kB).

In addition to the benchmark revision, the base period will also be changed - from 2015 to 2020. This change be reflected in all indicators listed at constant prices calculated by chaining volumes.

Both mentioned influences will be seen by updating – data change in 118 data cubes in the public database DATAcube. in chapters: 

The complete set of data cubes is available in Annex 2 - Overview of data cubes in the public database DATAcube. updated as of October 18, 2024 (ZIP - 76 kB).

The Statistical Office of the SR will release the informative report on October 18, 2024 quantifying the impact of changes on the GDP data and its structures published so far. As the structures of GDP are also related to other indicators, the mentioned change required a change the release date of gross national income for 2023 as well from October 21, 2024 to October 18, 2024. It concerns the data release in the public database DATAcube. and textual interpretation in the form of an informative report.

All mentioned changes are included in:

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