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Inflation – consumer price indices
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Inflation – consumer price indices

Posledná aktualizácia: 14.06.2024 | Počet zobrazení: 108
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Vydavateľ: Statistical Office of the SR
Dátum publikovania: 13.01.2023

Inflation 2023: Validation of inflation rate in 2023

The Statistical Office of the SR releases also The official validation of the average annual inflation rate in 2023 (only in Slovak version), which is available including the validations for the previous years in the section Služby – Potvrdenie pre infláciu a priemernú mesačnú mzdu.

In 2023, the average inflation reached a level of 10.5%

In 2023, consumer prices still grew at a double-digit rate year-on-year, and inflation reached the fourth highest value in 30 years, since the creation of the Slovak Republic. Compared to the record level of inflation in 2022, the rate of consumer price growth has slowed. In 2023, food and non-alcoholic beverages became more expensive on average by more than 17%, housing and energy by more than 9%. The lowering of fuel prices, on average by almost 7%, had a significant dampening effect on overall inflation.

More in the information report: Inflation – consumer price indices in 2023

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Upozornenie: Pri uverejnení celej informatívnej správy alebo jej časti prosíme uviesť zdroj informácií Štatistický úrad Slovenskej republiky. Štatistický úrad SR tvorí kvalitné štatistiky užitočné pre spoločnosť podľa 16 zásad týkajúcich sa inštitucionálneho prostredia, štatistických procesov a výstupov podľa Kódexu postupov pre európsku štatistiku.

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