On January 20, 2025, the Statistical Office of the SR published the second edition of the Statistical Yearbook of the Slovak Republic 2024, which contains expanded data from health, complete definitive data for energy, as well as the most up-to-date data available on the state of long-term assets for 2023. The first edition of the yearbook was published on December 2, 2024.
The second edition expands the content of the tabular outputs in chapters 7. Health, 13. Long-term assets and 18. Energy. Definitive data on health professionals as well as outpatient visits are available. The latest information on the gross and net balance of long-term assets, also on primary production, imports, exports, as well as stocks and consumption, was also added, e.g. electricity, gas, oil and oil products.
Within the 2nd edition, in Chapter 5. Income, expenditure and consumption of households in table T5-1 Net monetary income of private households from statistics on income and living conditions, the already published values of the base index of nominal and real growth for the years 2018 to 2022 were revised.
The Statistical Yearbook of the Slovak Republic 2024, the most extensive and comprehensive compilation of the Statistical Office of the SR, presents a thematic cross-section of life in Slovakia for the year 2023 in the context of the previous four years. The most significant indicators are presented for a period of 20 years, providing an overview of Slovakia's development since joining the European Union in 2004.
The updated electronic version of the yearbook is available in the Catalogue of publications.