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News: New date for the autumn benchmark revision of data in national accounts
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News: New date for the autumn benchmark revision of data in national accounts

Last update: 06.08.2024 | Number of views: 521
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Publish Date: 06.08.2024

The Statistical Office of the SR informs that it is moving the date of publication of the autumn benchmark revision of statistical data in the system of national accounts, from the originally planned date of October 21, 2024 to the new, earlier date of October 18, 2024. The deadline change will affect the complete set of quarterly and annual indicators of gross domestic product, including its structures and other selected sets of indicators describing the economy.

The standard revisions of national accounts data are carried out regularly twice a year, in spring (April) and autumn (October). In addition, a benchmark revision is carried out every five years, which will be carried out in the autumn term in 2024 (the last one was realized in 2019). Benchmark revision is of great importance for statistics, as it allows the incorporation of new data sources, additional input information that enters the calculations, various adjustments, as well as updated and new methodological procedures throughout the required time series. The outcome of performing a benchmark revision of the data is an increase in the quality of the final data and a better comparability of the data for the most important macroeconomic indicators that monitor the performance of the economy. In this year's extensive revision, statistical data will be recalculated in a time series back from 1995. In addition to the data revision, the base period from 2015 will also be changed. All indicators listed in constant prices calculated by chaining volumes will be recalculated to the new base period - the year 2020.

Revised statistical data will be available in the data cubes in the public DATAcube database. in chapters 2.1. National accounts6.5 Global indicators of the 2030 Agenda.

The complete set of 119 data cubes with the marked changes is available in the attached document Overview of planned changes in tables in the National Accounts chapter in the DATAcube. public database within the autumn revision.

The new deadline for publishing selected indicators within the benchmark revision was also included in the 2024 Revision Calendar.

With the change in the deadline of release date, the release date of the informative report on gross national income for 2023 is also moved to a new date of October 18, 2024, which was adjusted in the First Release Calendar. The reason for the move of deadline was the additional clarification of the deadlines of the complete revision process within the national and European statistical system.

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