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Revision of annual national accounts in the time series of 1995 - 2012 including preliminary annual account for 2013
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Revision of annual national accounts in the time series of 1995 - 2012 including preliminary annual account for 2013

Posledná aktualizácia: 29.09.2018 | Počet zobrazení: 221
ESA 2010 - Európsky systém národných účtov
Vydavateľ: Statistical Office of the SR
Dátum publikovania: 17.10.2014

In 2014, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic carried out the major benchmark revision data in the national accounts in order to implement the Regulation of European Parliament and the Council No. 549/2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts (ESA 2010). Adjustments were made to the relevant transactions and indicators in the whole time series 1995-2012, including preliminary data for 2013.

In addition to implementing methodological changes the following changes to the system of national accounts were made:

  • Standard revision adjustments in individual items of national accounts  for the years 2010 and 2011 based on the new information and more precise source data;
  • constant price data compiled using chain-linking were recalculated to the basis of 2010 in the time series from 1997 to 2013, this means that 2010 is the reference year for figures expressed in chain-linked volumes; 
  • selected transactions that were adjusted at required time series and extent as a result of the incorporation of the Commission's reservation to the GNI Inventory – SK;
  • taking into account information on foreign trade of non-resident units in Slovakia in relation to resident units in the system of national accounts time series from 2008 onwards.

Table 1 shows comparison GDP data before and after revision altogether with share of changes on GDP after revision in the whole time series 1995-2013.

Table 2 presents changes in % of GDP due to the ESA 2010 methodology implementation as well as other adjustments referred to reference year 2010.

The detailed relevant data will be published on the SO SR website on 21.10.2014. Also, the detailed information on changes undertaken including the results of excessive deficit procedure (EDP) notification will be communicated at a press conference to be held on 23.10. 2014.

  • Vydal :

  • Štatistický úrad SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovenská republika
  • Informačný servis :

  • tel. +421 2 50 236 339
  • +421 2 50 236 335
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Upozornenie: Pri uverejnení celej informatívnej správy alebo jej časti prosíme uviesť zdroj informácií Štatistický úrad Slovenskej republiky. Štatistický úrad SR tvorí kvalitné štatistiky užitočné pre spoločnosť podľa 16 zásad týkajúcich sa inštitucionálneho prostredia, štatistických procesov a výstupov podľa Kódexu postupov pre európsku štatistiku.

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