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Turnover in internal trade in June 2024
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Turnover in internal trade in June 2024

Last update: 06.08.2024 | Number of views: 1295
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Sectoral statistics
Domain: Trade and food services
Publish Date: 06.08.2024

Total retail turnover rose more slowly in June, the growths in e-shops dampened the declines in gas stations 

Retail turnover have remained in year-on-year growth for half a year. However, they increased by only 1.1% in June. Year-on-year higher values were achieved by only 4 out of 9 components of the retail trade. The growth of the sector was mainly affected by e-shops and the most important hyper- and supermarkets in terms of share.

Retail turnover1,2) at constant prices in June 2024 increased by 1.1% year-on-year, maintaining growth for the sixth consecutive month. This year's growth is also influenced by the lower comparative base from last year, when high inflation significantly reduced the value of turnover when converted to constant prices.

Higher turnover than a year ago were registered by 4 out of 9 components of retail trade. Growth was mainly affected by 21.1% higher turnover of e-shops (sales outside stores, stands and markets) and also a slight increase of 2.3% in large non-specialized hyper- and supermarkets. A double-digit increase in turnover in specialized sales of food, beverages and tobacco stores also contributed to the positive result. The results for e-shops are also affected by the change in the structure and number of businesses included in this component of retail trade.

However, the overall result of the sector was dampened by higher turnover drops at gas stations (specialized sales of fuels) as well as stores with ICT equipment (specialized sale of IT and communications equipment) and also stores of books, sporting goods and toys (specialized sale of goods for culture and recreation).

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Year-on-year development of other components of trade in June 2024

All other components of internal trade had sales1,2) lower than last year, sales and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles by 7.4%, in wholesale3) by 10.3%, accommodation by 4.6% and food and beverage services by 2.7%.

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Month-on-month development in June 2024 compared to May 2024

Turnover after seasonal adjustment in June month-on-month4) rose by 4.8% in accommodation and by 3.4% in food and beverage services. They dropped in sale and repair of motor vehicles by 1.4%, in wholesale3) by 1% and in retail trade by 1.1%.

Development for 2024

In total for the first half of 2024, turnover1,2) rose year-on-year, in retail trade by 3.8% and in food and beverages activities by 2.6%. Sale and repair of motor vehicles by 0.6% and wholesale3) by 3.6% recorded year-on-year lower turnover.  Turnover in accommodation remained approximately at the level of last year.

  • 1) due to the change of the methodology - transition to a new base period (from 2015 to 2021), the entire time series of data was recalculated from the publication of data for January 2024 – more in the document Change of the base period and the classification according to kind-of-activity units (PDF 183 kB)
  • 2) for the sale and repair of motor vehicles, retail, accommodation and food and beverage service activities, the indices are at constant prices (to the average 12 months of 2021)
  • 3) for wholesale, indices are calculated from current prices
  • 4) from seasonally adjusted data

Data source: DATAcube. database:

Outputs on the topic of turnover in internal trade:

In addition to publication of data for January 2024, the entire time series were recalculated in relation to adopted amendments of the methodology – more in the document – Change of the base period and the classifica-tion according to kind-of-activity units (PDF - 183 kB).

The Statistical Office of the SR releases turnover in internal trade and also in absolute terms on a quarterly basis, approximately 70 days after the end of the reference quarter, in the DATAcube. Database. The data are processed from the monthly statistical reports adjusted on the base of the processing of quarterly reports ( more in the methodology).

Data for Q1 2024 and recalculated data for previous periods were published on June 13 2024 in the new table ob1004qs.

The Statistical Office of the SR releases the chart “The structure of turnover in retail trade in 2023”, which illustratively presents the shares of turnover in individual retail activities (division 47, SK NACE Rev. 2.). The chart is compiled from preliminary monthly data for 12 months of 2023.

Illustration image - Graph

Download high resolution chart format PDF (74 kB) or PNG (159 kB).

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  • Statistical Office of the SR
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  • Slovak Republic
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