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Holiday and business trips in 2023
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Holiday and business trips in 2023

Last update: 02.07.2024 | Number of views: 3270
Ilustračný obrázok
Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Sectoral statistics
Domain: Tourism
Publish Date: 02.07.2024

Last year, the Slovaks traveled for recreation on average up to 4 times a year, especially for outbound trips

Last year, the Slovaks mainly traveled abroad. During the year 2023, it was more than 10 million trips. But even after four years of struggling with the effects of the pandemic, the number of holidays or long weekends did not reach the records of 2019. In the structure of travelling, mainly the domestic long trips were missing.

Last year, the Slovaks made almost 11 million personal trips with overnight stays. Year-on-year, the number of trips increased by 13%, but still did not reach the pre-Covid values. Thus, 1 million, i.e. almost 9%, of trips were missing from the values from 2019. The dynamics of travel still did not reach the pre-Covid normal, but the travel habits were almost identical in their structure – 64% of all trips were domestic and 36% were outbound. The dynamic year-on-year increase in outbound trips (both long and short) by an average of more than 30% helped to achieve this state.

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The year-on-year higher number of trips was accompanied by lower numbers of passengers last year. Last year, each passenger indulged in an average of up to 4 recreation stays - domestic or outbound with at least one overnight stay. The length of trips increased slightly compared to the previous year, from 4 nights on average to 4.4 nights, more in favor of outbound trips, where visitors spent an average of 5.9 nights.

This follows from the results of the annual Survey on trips for personal and business purposes1), which is regularly published by the Statistical Office of the SR at the turn of June and July. Data for the year 2023 have been currently published. They contain comprehensive information on the travel activities of the population in the SR for personal purposes (e.g. holiday, visiting friends and relatives, cottages, etc.) during the year. For example, it includes the number of individuals and trips, destinations and their combinations, types of accommodation, modes of transport and the amount of travel expenditures.

The year 2023 was marked by a dynamic growth of outbound trips

The number of outbound trips increased most dynamically compared to last year, by almost a third, and this applied for both long (4 or more nights) and short trips (1 to 3 nights). Slovaks made 3.9 million outbound trips per year. It was still true that cross-border travel was dominated by long trips, which represented two-thirds of the total number of trips. Last year's dynamics helped short trips to reach the pre-Covid level, but long trips still lagged behind by 14% (400 000 trips).  

When choosing the mode of transport abroad last year, air transport rose the most significantly, by 36%. In 2023, however, the majority of people traveled by motor vehicle, but the share of these trips had already fallen below 50%, similar to before the pandemic. In the first two years of the crisis, car transportation accounted for a record 60 and 71%.

The most visited country in outbound tourism was traditionally Czechia. Last year, the Slovaks completed 880 000 short and long trips in it, so the trips to Czechia represented one fifth of outbound trips. However, there was still about a third missing from the pre-pandemic values. The second most visited destination was Croatia. Slovaks made over 424 000 trips there, which was more than before the pandemic. Other popular holiday destinations last year were Hungary, Italy, Poland, Austria, followed by the traditional summer destinations of Turkey and Greece.

When traveling abroad, the Slovaks were most attracted to visiting the cities that have dominated for a long time, and in second place are traditionally seaside trips, which increased by half compared to 2022 and even slightly exceeded the values of 2019. Last year, the Slovaks completed 1.46 million seaside trips. 

The number of domestic trips rose only slightly, rented accommodation dominated

Last year, the number of domestic trips increased by only 4.5% year-on-year, the Slovaks took a total of 7.1 million holidays in Slovakia. 8% (600 000) of trips were missing from the values in the last year before the pandemic.

Most often, travelers spent 1 to 3 nights on trips within Slovakia. These short trips represented three-quarters of all domestic trips, i.e. 5.1 million trips, and approached the pre-pandemic values. Long trips in Slovakia, despite a year-on-year growth, have not yet approached the pre-pandemic values and lagged behind them by almost 20%.

As before the pandemic, the Slovaks used more rented accommodation on their domestic trips, i.e. accommodation in hotels, guesthouses and private accommodation, than accommodation with friends, relatives or in their own chalets or cottages. Rented accommodation was used by 12% more people than a year ago, and the number of trips where the private travelers stayed even exceeded the pre-pandemic values.

Traditionally, in Slovakia mainly the car transportation was used, which covered 80% of the domestic trips. The most visited regions were the capital Bratislava, the High Tatras and the districts of Liptovský Mikuláš, Žilina and Banská Bystrica. Together, 36% of all domestic trips for personal purposes were directed to these regions. 

Average expenditure on holidays increased, especially for outbound trips

The average expenditure per trip increased by more than 20% year-on-year, and this was true for both domestic and outbound trips. Last year, the Slovaks spent an average of EUR 202 per trip during domestic trips, and up to EUR 624 during outbound trips. Thus, they spent approximately by 30% more on trips than before the pandemic.

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Outputs on the topic personal and business trips:

Data on personal and business trips of the Slovaks are the result of a quarterly household survey (Survey on domestic and outbound tourism). This is a more detailed information about the overall travel activities of residents aged 15 and who participated in at least one trip with at least one overnight stay for a personal purposes (e.g. holiday, leisure, recreation, including irregular visit to friends and relatives, as well as irregular stays at chalets, cottages or other recreational real estate).

Outputs contain statistical information

  • about persons who participated in trips for a personal purpose
  • on personal and business trips of the Slovak population
  • Issued by :

  • Statistical Office of the SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovak Republic
  • Information Services :

  • tel. +421 2 50 236 339
  • +421 2 50 236 335
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