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Statistical Office SR

Information reports

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15.10.2024 Statistical Office of the SR | Information Reports | Consumer prices and prices of production statistics

Inflation – consumer price indices in September 2024

The first month of the academic year brought a slight slowdown in the inflation rate to 2.6%.

Ilustračný obrázok/Illustrative image

14.10.2024 Statistical Office of the SR | Information Reports | Tourism

Tourism in accommodation establishments in the SR in August 2024

The number of guests in hotels and guesthouses in August confirmed the best holiday season since the pandemic .

Ilustratívny obrázok/Illustrative image

14.10.2024 Statistical Office of the SR | Comprehensive products | Information Reports

Turnover in selected sectors of economy in August 2024

August´s turnover was lower in industry and in transportation, in construction the decline was again by a double-digit.

Ilustračný obrázok/Illustrative image

14.10.2024 Statistical Office of the SR | Comprehensive products | Information Reports

Employment and average monthly wage in selected sectors of economy in August 2024

Year-on-year growth of real wages slowed down in August, the information and communication sector even recorded a slight decrease. Employment increased in 5 out of 10 sectors.

Ilustračný obrázok/Illustrative image

11.10.2024 Statistical Office of the SR | Construction | Information Reports

Construction production in August 2024

In August 2024, construction enterprises produced a significantly lower value, even by a double-digit, than a year ago. The most dynamic slump since October 2020 was due to a slowdown in new construction.


Výsledky ročných zisťovaní v priemysle SR, výroba a predaj  vybraných výrobkov

27.09.2024 | Statistical Office of the SR | yearly | Publication - Data overview | Industry

Results of annual surveys on industry of the SR, production and sale of selected goods in 2023

Results of annual surveys on industry of the SR, production and sale of selected goods in 2023

Výsledky štvrťročných zisťovaní v priemysle SR a výroba vybraných výrobkov/Results of Quarterly Surveys in Industry and Production of Selected Goods

13.09.2024 | Statistical Office of the SR | quarterly | Publication - Data overview | Industry

Quarterly surveys results of industry in the SR and selected goods production in the 2nd quarter of 2024

Quarterly surveys results of industry in the SR and selected goods production in the 2nd quarter of 2024

Obrázok – obálka publikácie

31.07.2024 | Statistical Office of the SR | quarterly | Analytic publication | Labour

Employment and unemployment in the SR (Labour Force Survey Results) for the 1 st quarter 2024

Data on employed and unemployed persons from the survey conducted in households for the 1st quarter 2024.

Štruktúra miezd v Slovenskej republike

28.06.2024 | Statistical Office of the SR | yearly | Labour cost | Publication - Data overview

Structure of earnings in the Slovak Republic in 2023

The publication contains the results of the structure of earnings sample survey in the SR classified by occupation, sex, age and education.

Výsledky štvrťročných zisťovaní v priemysle SR a výroba vybraných výrobkov/Results of Quarterly Surveys in Industry and Production of Selected Goods

13.06.2024 | Statistical Office of the SR | quarterly | Publication - Data overview | Industry

Quarterly surveys results of industry in the SR and selected goods production in the 1st quarter of 2024

Quarterly surveys results of industry in the SR and selected goods production in the 1st quarter of 2024.

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