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14.02.2025 Statistical Office of the SR | Information Reports | National accounts
According to the flash estimate, the Slovak economy had a growth of 1.8%.
12.02.2025 Statistical Office of the SR | Comprehensive products | Information Reports
Wage growth in 2024 overcame inflation growth in all 10 sectors monitored monthly. Employment rose for the year in 6 out of 10 sectors of the economy, the most in selected market services.
12.02.2025 Statistical Office of the SR | Comprehensive products | Information Reports
Industry and construction also faced a turnover drop in 2024, market services and transportation and storage recorded an improvement.
11.02.2025 Statistical Office of the SR | Information Reports | Tourism
Even during 2024, the number of visitors to Slovak hotels and guesthouses did not exceed 6 million guests as before Covid.
11.02.2025 Statistical Office of the SR | Construction | Information Reports
In December, construction managed to increase its output year-on-year, but the annual production in total for the year 2024 ended with a 5% drop. They mainly slowed down work on engineering constructions.
31.01.2025 | Statistical Office of the SR | quarterly | Analytic publication | Labour
Data on employed and unemployed persons from the survey conducted in households for the 3rd quarter 2024.
31.12.2025 | Statistical Office of the SR | yearly | Energy | Publication - Data overview
Energy balance in the SR, the data on consumption of fuels and energy in selected branches as well as the data on selected indicators on...
23.12.2024 | Statistical Office of the SR | yearly | Environment | Publication - Data overview
Data on generated waste and methods of its treatment for the Slovak Republic and regions for municipal waste and for waste from the Slovak economy.
20.12.2024 | Science, technology and innovation | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview | not given
The publication contains information on enterprises with innovation activity in industry and services for the period 2020-2022.
18.12.2024 | Statistical Office of the SR | yearly | Environment | Publication - Data overview
Publication contains data on Material Flow Accounts for the Slovak Republic broken down by classification of flows for domestic extraction...