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Unemployment in the 4th quarter of 2012
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Unemployment in the 4th quarter of 2012

Last update: 29.09.2018 | Number of views: 13813
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Demographic and social statistics
Domain: Labour
Publish Date: 06.03.2013

According to LFSS, unemployment increased by 3,1 %, year-on-year, in the 4th quarter. Compared with previous two quarters, its growth moderated. In absolute terms, the number of unemployed persons increased by 11,9 thous. to 390,4 thous. persons, compared with the 4th quarter of 2011. The unemployment rate increased by 0,4 p.p. to 14,4 %, year-on-year. The unemployment rate of women increased by 0,6 p.p. to 15 %, of men by 0,2 p.p. to 14 %. In quarter-on-quarter comparison (the 4th quarter of 2012 compared with the 3rd quarter of 2012), the seasonally adjusted unemployment increased by 8,8 thous. persons (by 2,3 %) to 387,2 thous. persons.

Extremely high share on the labour market continued in the group of unemployed persons in the long-term (longer than one year). Unemployed persons in the long-term constituted 64,9 % of the total number of the unemployed persons. Compared with the 4th quarter of 2011, their number increased by 3,1 % to 253,4 thous. persons. Age category 35-49 constituted the most numerous group of the unemployed persons with the number of 117,9 thous. persons and the share 30,2 %. By the age structure, the most considerable decline of the unemployed persons was recorded in the age category 50-54 by 10,7 %. In terms of the age and sex, the number of the unemployed increased most in the category of women aged 35-49 by 11,1 %.

In terms of the economic activity of the last employer, the most unemployed persons worked in industry (22,2 %). The highest relative increase of the number of the unemployed was in the sectors of human health and social work activities by 79,2 %, information and communication by 61,5 %. The number of unemployed persons decreased relatively most in real estate activities.

The number of the unemployed increased, year-on-year, in most regions and ranged from 3,7 % (Trnavský kraj) to 9,3 % (Žilinský kraj). Unemployment decreased only in Trenčiansky kraj (by 12,5 %) and Košický kraj (by 2,2 %). The highest share of the total number of the unemployed of the SR was recorded in the regions of Eastern Slovakia (Košický kraj 19 % and Prešovský kraj 18,6 %). The highest unemployment rate was also observed in both those above-mentioned regions (Košický kraj 19,7 % and Prešovský kraj 18,9 %). The unemployment rate increased, year-on-year, in most regions, the most in Žilinský kraj (by 1,1 p.p.).

In 2012, the unemployment increased, year-on-year, by 3,5 % to 377,5 thous. persons. The unemployment rate increased by 0,4 p.p. to 14 %.

Note: 1) definition of the unemployment is in accord with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000; data are calculated as at 1.1.2012 according to the 2011 Population and Housing Census, indices are calculated from comparable data
p.p percentage point



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