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New orders in industry in April 2022
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New orders in industry in April 2022

Posledná aktualizácia: 16.06.2022 | Počet zobrazení: 114
Ilustratívny obrázok/Illustrative image
Vydavateľ: Statistical Office of the SR
Tématická oblasť: Sectoral statistics
Okruh: Industry
Dátum publikovania: 16.06.2022

The drop in new orders in industry did not stop even in April, although the year-on-year decline slowed slightly

After seasonal adjustment, new orders in industry increased by 0.4% month-on-month in April 2022.1)

At the year-on-year level, orders were lower by 7% and in April 2022 reaching a volume2) EUR 5.03 billion. Companies in manufacture of motor vehicles continued to struggle with a drop in volume by more than 10%, and there was a drop in companies in manufacture of computer products by even more than 20%. On the contrary, companies in manufacture of clothing and electrical equipment recorded a significantly higher volume of orders than a year ago.

  • 1) data are seasonally adjusted by the JDemetra + program and during the processing of each month they are adjusted back to the beginning of the time series
  • 2) absolute data are collected for selected divisions according to SK NACE Rev. 2 at current prices, indices are calculated from data at constant prices (December 2015 = 100)

Data source-DATAcube. Database

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/wps/portal/ext/products/informationmessages/inf_sprava_detail New orders in industry in April 2022 Z6_Q7I8BB1A00BL30IJKSNHCF2GU5 /Štatistický úrad SR - Úvodná stránka /Produkty /Katalóg informatívnych správ /Detail