In June, the domestic production of construction enterprises lagged behind last year, it was prospering only abroad
Construction production in June 2024 decreased by more than 7% year-on-year. The dominant new construction lagged behind, repairs and maintenance of buildings recorded a significant drop. From the perspective of the type of construction, works on engineering constructions slowed down more significantly. Compared to last year, only the production of Slovak builders abroad increased.
Construction production1,2) in June 2024 amounted to EUR 644.5 million, and it was lower by 7.4%3) than a year ago. After seasonal adjustment, construction production dropped by 0.6% month-on-month.
All components of domestic construction production were affected by the sector´s negative result. The dominant new construction4) dropped by 5.7% year-on-year, but repairs and maintenance of buildings decreased more significantly by 15.4% and especially the smallest component – other construction works by more than 27%. Domestic construction production represented almost 89% of the total output of the construction industry.
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Broken down by type of construction, the year-on-year slowdown of 6.1% was recorded in the construction of buildings. Works on engineering structures, which also includes the construction of highway, dropped by almost 15%.
Slovak construction companies abroad were prospering, their production rose by double digits for the third consecutive month, currently by 10.7%. Its share in total production was 11%.
In total for the first half of 2024, construction production represented a volume of almost EUR 3.2 billion and it was lower by 4.4% year-on-year. Not a single component of domestic production reached last year's level. The dominant new exhibition decreased by 6%, repairs and maintenance by 2.7% and other construction works by more than 14%.
In terms of the production focus, construction output from building construction slowed down by 3.2%, works on engineering constructions decreased by up to 11%.
In total for the first six months of this year, the volume of construction work abroad was higher by 6.3%, year-on-year.