After a period of slumps, construction achieved a year-on-year comparable condition in November 2024
Construction overcame the half a year of declines. The more favourable result was mainly due to higher production abroad and a dynamic growth of the smallest component of domestic production
Construction production1) in November 2024 reached EUR 827.5 million, which represented a year-on-year increase by 0.9%2). Construction enterprises achieved year-on-year comparable performance after 6 months of declines. At the same time, the volume of construction production was also higher in the month-on-month comparison, by 5.4%3).
Both significant components of domestic construction production ended in negative numbers, new construction4) by 2.3%, and also repairs and maintenance by 2.5%. For both, however, it was the lowest monthly decrease since the beginning of 2024. Only the component - other construction works - increased by almost a third, but it is only a relatively insignificant component of domestic production. In the long term, construction production in the SR represents almost 90% of the industry's total performance.

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Broken down by construction type, the relatively more significant construction of buildings rose by 7.6% year-on-year, but works on engineering constructions, including highway construction, continued to slow down year-on-year, currently by 11% in November.
The result of the sector for November 2024 was mainly positively influenced by the growth of performance of construction companies abroad, this production was higher by 18.7% year-on-year and its share in the total production of the sector rose above 10%.
In total for the first 11 months of 2024, the value of construction production reached EUR 6.7 billion, which represented a year-on-year decrease by 5.9%. All components of the domestic part of production slowed down, dominantly new construction by 7.7% and repairs and maintenance by 3.5%. In terms of the production focus, construction of buildings decreased by 3.2% and works on engineering structures by 12.8%. Works abroad remained at a similar level as in 11 months in 2023.