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Freight and passenger transport in December 2023
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Freight and passenger transport in December 2023

Last update: 23.02.2024 | Number of views: 979
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Sectoral statistics
Domain: Transport and postal services
Publish Date: 23.02.2024

In 2023, the number of passengers in passenger transport was the highest in the last four years and almost rose to pre-pandemic values

In 2023, the indicators of passenger transport reached the highest values in the last four years, the number of passengers and passenger kilometres grew at a double-digit rate. Freight transport ended the year in negative figures by almost 4%, the volumes of transported goods and performance were lower.

Passenger transport recorded a 9% increase in the number of passengers in December. Higher dynamics of passenger growth was recorded by road transport, by almost a tenth. In the long term, it is still the case that 90% of passengers in public transport travel on roads, by buses or other means of transport. In December, passenger transport performance, which also takes into account the length of the roads, was higher by 12.6% than last year. 

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In the last month of 2023, the volume of freight transport decreased year-on-year by 7.1%. The decrease was a result of lower volumes in road transport, this most significant component in terms of share decreased year-on-year by 9% after three months of growth. On the contrary, the fifth consecutive month, more goods were transported year-on-year by rail, in December the volume of goods was higher by 15.3%. Freight transport performance, taking into account also transport distances, decreased year-on-year by 17.7%, it was the most significant decrease in 2023.

Development of passenger and freight transport for 2023

Almost 686 million persons were transported in passenger transport for 2023, a year-on-year increase of 12.6%. Road transport grew at a double-digit rate; the number of rail passengers was higher by 7.2% year-on-year. Due to the dynamic growth during the last four years, the number of passengers almost reached the pre-pandemic values; only 2.3% of passengers were missing. Mostly road transport significantly increased, it lost only 1% of passengers compared to 2019, while rail transport lost even more than a tenth of passengers. On the contrary, public transport has already exceeded the values of 2019 by a tenth.

Performance in passenger kilometres also rose year-on-year almost by 14%, but the lag behind the values from 2019 was more significant. After taking into account the transport distances travelled by passengers using both types of passenger transport, road transport still lacked more than 20% of pre-pandemic performance and rail transport 11%.

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In 2023, almost 220 million tons of goods were transported by all types of freight transport. Year-on-year, this volume decreased by 3.8%, mainly affected by a decrease in transported goods in other transport (in which transport via pipeline is important). The volumes of transported goods have been declining for the last four years; compared to 2019 they dropped by almost 23%.

Performance in ton-kilometres, taking into account transport distances, decreased year-on-year by 11% in freight transport, compared to the end of 2019, they were even lower by more than 15%.

The decisive component of the sector – road transport, improved only slightly compared to 2022. Although 1% more goods were transported by means of transport by road year-on-year, performance after accounting for transport distances declined year-on-year by 11.3%. Over the year, more goods were also transported by freight rail transport, the volume of transported goods increased year-on-year by almost 2%. Performance in ton-kilometres decreased by more than 4%.

Data for the 4th quarter of 2023 were reviewed and adjusted based on the results of the weekly survey in road freight transport, outputs of which are attached to the information report.

Data source:

Related information:

Turnover1) of transportation for November 2023 was published on 12 February 2024 in IR Turnover in selected sectors of economy in December 2023.

Data for employment and wages in transportation for November 2023 are part of IR Employment and average monthly wages in selected sectors in December 2023, which was published on 12 February 2024.


From the data for the month of April 2022 (published in June 2022), the Statistical Office of the SR modified the methodology of road freight transport, which affected the monthly data (tables) in the outputs of the informative report - Freight and passenger transport - according to the First Release Calendar. The volume of transported goods as well as performance in tonne-kilometres of road freight transport are reported for public transport companies (their main activity is transport and storage SK NACE 49 – 53) and for non-public transport companies (their main activity is other than transport, i.e. other than SK NACE 49 – 53, but they carry out freight transport as a secondary activity).

Indicators of passenger and freight transport are created from data from statistical survey Dop 1-12, which are filled in by public transport organizations with 20 or more employees exhaustively and small businesses (up to 20 employees) on a selective basis with additions to the entire population of businesses. For other enterprises (they carry out transport as a secondary activity), monthly data are estimated and quarterly refined and revised based on a summary from a weekly sample statistical survey in road freight transport.

  • 1) turnover at current prices
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