Even in November, retailers were pleased with a faster turnover growth
In November, retail trade confirmed a higher rate of year-on-year turnover growth, it was the fifth highest in 2024. Mail-order sales, hyper- and supermarkets, but also selected specialized stores were prosperous.
Retail turnover1,2) in November 2024 was higher by 5% year-on-year and in real terms, the sector maintained a higher value than in 2023 (in constant prices) for the eleventh consecutive month. The current growth rate was among the five highest monthly values in 2024.
Year-on-year turnover in constant prices were up to 7 out of 9 components of the retail trade. The result was most significantly influenced by the continuing one-third increase in mail-order sales2) (sales outside stores, stands and markets), as well as the growth of hyper- and supermarket turnover (large non-specialized stores) by more than 5%. The moderate turnover growth in specialized stores with other goods, such as apparel, footwear, drugstores, and pharmacies, and double-digit growth in specialized stores with food, beverages, and tobacco also had a significant impact.
A turnover decrease compared to November 2023 was recorded only in sale of fuels2) and also in stores with goods for culture and recreation (bookstores, sporting goods, toy stores).

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Year-on-year development of other components of trade in November 2024
Of the other components of internal trade, higher turnover than a year ago (in constant prices) was recorded by sale and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles by 16.2% and accommodation by 8.9%. On the contrary, the turnover decrease was manifested in food and beverage service activities by 9.8%. Wholesale turnover3) (at current prices) was higher by 2.8% in November than in the corresponding period of 2023.

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Month-on-month development in November 2024 compared to October 2024
Turnover1) after seasonal adjustment in November rose month-on-month in sale and repair of motor vehicles by 5.3% and in retail by 0.4%. On the contrary, it decreased in accommodation by 14.3% and in food and beverage service activities by 0.8%. Wholesale3) turnover was higher by 5.6% compared to October.
Development for 2024
In total for the first 11 months of 2024, turnover1) rose year-on-year in sale and repair of motor vehicles by 1.9%, in retail trade by 4% and in accommodation by 3.7%. Wholesale trade3) and food and beverage service activities recorded a turnover drop by 1.9%.