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Average monthly wage of employee in economy of the SR in the 3rd quarter of 2018
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Average monthly wage of employee in economy of the SR in the 3rd quarter of 2018

Last update: 16.01.2020 | Number of views: 3059
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Demographic and social statistics
Domain: Labour cost
Publish Date: 07.12.2018

Compared with the 3rd quarter of the previous year, the average nominal monthly wage of employee in economy of the SR reached EUR 922 and increased by 6,1 %. Development of the real wage, which increased, year-on-year, by 3,3 %, was affected by lower rise of consumer prices in comparison with the nominal wage growth. The seasonally adjusted average wage rose by 1,3 % compared with the 2nd quarter of 2018.

The highest level of the average monthly wage was reached in electricity, gas and steam supply (EUR 1 837), information and communication (EUR 1 782) and financial and insurance activities (EUR 1 677). In eleven sectors, the wage was lower than the average in economy of the SR. The lowest average nominal wage was recorded in accommodation and food service activities (EUR 630), other service activities (EUR 707) and in construction (EUR 717).

Compared with the corresponding period of the last year, the average nominal monthly wage increased in all sectors, relatively fastest in electricity, gas and steam (by 17,8 %), arts, entertainment and recreation (by 11,4 %) and in information and communication (by 9,3 %).

Compared with the 3rd quarter of 2017, in terms of the legal form of entities, the average nominal monthly wage increased in large enterprises employing 20 people or more by 7,6 % to EUR 1 196, in allowance organizations by 6,7 % to EUR 1 111, in budgetary organizations by 5,3 % to EUR 1 017 and in small enterprises employing 19 people or fewer by 3,8 % to EUR 733.

In territorial terms, the average nominal monthly wage was higher than the average of the whole economy of the SR only in Bratislavský kraj (EUR 1 228). In other regions, it ranged from EUR 758 in Prešovský kraj to EUR 952 in Trnavský kraj. The average wage was higher than in the 3rd quarter of 2017 in all regions with the highest increase by 7,2 % in Trnavský kraj.

In the 1st - 3rd quarter of 2018, the average nominal monthly wage of employee in economy amounted to EUR 984. It rose, year-on-year, by 6,4 %, the real wage increased by 3,7 %. The nominal wage rose by 2 p.p. faster than in the corresponding period last year.

Note: according to quarterly reporting system; incomes of entrepreneurs are not included, data are adjusted by statistical estimation of non-registered wage of employees working for tradesmen
p.p. percentage point

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  • Statistical Office of the SR
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