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Flash estimate of GDP and total employment by ESA 2010 in the 1st quarter of 2024
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Flash estimate of GDP and total employment by ESA 2010 in the 1st quarter of 2024

Last update: 15.05.2024 | Number of views: 2868
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Macroeconomic statistics
Domain: National accounts
Publish Date: 15.05.2024

The Slovak economy improved its performance at the beginning of 2024, it grew by 2.7% year-on-year

The volume of GDP in the 1st quarter of 2024 grew more dynamically both quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year, the economic growth was the fastest in the last eight quarters.

Gross domestic product (GDP) at constant prices1) increased by 2.7% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2024. After adjusting the results for seasonal effects, GDP increased by 2.7% year-on-year and by 0.7% quarter-on-quarter.2)

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The value of GDP in current prices reached EUR 29.8 billion, which represented a year-on-year increase of more than EUR 2.2 billion. After converting to constant prices, the value of GDP reached EUR 21.9 billion and was higher by EUR 583 million year-on-year.

The growth of the gross domestic product in the 1st quarter of 2024 at constant prices was mainly supported by the year-on-year increase in the final consumption of households and public administration.

At the same time, total employment in Slovakia in the first three months of 2024 reached 2 million 419 thousand persons what means a year-on-year decrease by 0.2%. Seasonally adjusted, the number of employed persons fell by 0.3% both, quarter-on-quarter (compared to the 4th quarter of 2023) and year-on-year.

  • 1) constant prices are calculated by chain-linking volumes to the reference year 2015
  • 2) seasonally adjusted results are updated quarterly in the whole time series

Outputs on the subject of GDP and Employment:

The indicators are compiled according to the ESA 2010 methodology based on the first processing of the results for the economy; total employment is expressed by the number of employed persons (employees and self-employed). Data on Gross Domestic Product and Employment will be precised and published, including the structures of individual indicators, based on other available statistical and administrative data on Tuesday, June 6, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. on the website of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (in the form of an informative report in the Catalogue of informative reports and also by updating of data cubes in the DATAcube database in chapt 2. 1. 1. 1. - GDP - quarterly data) and subsequently also in the publication Statistical report on basic development trends in the Slovak economy in the 1st quarter of 2024 published on 21 March 2024.

  • Issued by :

  • Statistical Office of the SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovak Republic
  • Information Services :

  • tel. +421 2 50 236 339
  • +421 2 50 236 335
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