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Employment and average monthly wage in selected sectors of economy in November 2020
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Employment and average monthly wage in selected sectors of economy in November 2020

Last update: 13.10.2021 | Number of views: 1065
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Sectoral statistics
Domain: Comprehensive products
Publish Date: 13.01.2021


Employment, increased in November 2020,  only in selected market services and in information and communication activities, the greatest decline was in accommodation and support services. The development of wages was more favourable, a drop was only in accommodation and in sale and repair of motor vehicles.


In November 2020 compared with November 2019, the development of employment was not very favourable in the majority of sectors, it rose only in selected market services and in information and communication activities. In November 2020 compared with November 2019, employment rose in selected market services by 1,7 %, a slight increase was also in information and communication activities by 0,8 %. The greatest decrease was in accommodation by 25,8 %, it also dropped in food and beverage service activities by 13 %, in construction by 7,4 %, in industry by 5,9 %, in wholesale by 4,6 %, in transportation and storage by 2 %, in retail trade by 1,8 % and in sale and repair of motor vehicles by 1,6 %.

In the first eleven months of 2020, compared with the corresponding period in 2019, employment rose, on average, only in information and communication activities by 3,2 %. It dropped in accommodation by 13,1 %, in food and beverage service activities by 7,9 %, in construction by 5,7 %, in industry by 5,6 %, in wholesale by 3,7 %, in retail trade by 3,5 %, in sale and repair of motor vehicles by 2,2 %, in selected market services by 1 % and in transportation and storage by 0,8 %.

Average monthly wage

In November 2020 compared with November 2019, the average nominal monthly wage increased in the majority of sectors, a decrease was recorded only in accommodation and in sale and repair of motor vehicles.  In November 2020 compared with November 2019, the average nominal monthly wage rose in retail trade by 9,6 % (it reached EUR 889), in information and communication activities by 8,9 % (EUR 2 372), in industry by 8,2 % (EUR 1 494), in wholesale by 4,7 % (EUR 1 240), in construction by 4,6 % (EUR 846), in selected market services by 1,7 % (EUR 1 140), in transportation and storage by 1,1 % (EUR 1 142), in food and beverage service activities by 0,2 % (EUR 534). It dropped in accommodation by 20,2 % (EUR 692) and in sale and repair of motor vehicles by 2,7 % (EUR 1 166).

In November 2020, average real monthly wage rose in retail trade by 8 %, in information and communication activities by 7,3 %, in industry by 6,6 %, in wholesale by 3,2 %, in construction by 3,1 % and in selected market services by 0,2 %. It dropped the most in accommodation by 21,4 %, it decreased also in sale and repair of motor vehicles by 4,1 %, in food and beverage service activities by 1,3 % and in transportation and storage by 0,4 %.

In the first eleven months of 2020, compared with the corresponding period in 2019, the wage increased, on average, in retail trade e by 5,9 % (reached EUR 810), wholesale by 4,8 % (EUR 1 087), food and beverage service activities by 3,5 % (EUR 534), information and communication activities by 2,8 % (EUR 2 020), in selected market services by 1,9 % (EUR 1 037) and in construction by 1,5 % (EUR 754) and in industry by 1,3 % (EUR 1 181). It fell in accommodation by 10,1 % (EUR 704), in sale and repair of motor vehicles by 0,7 % (EUR 1 047). In transportation and storage it remained unchanged, at the level of November 2019 (EUR 1 023).

The real monthly wage rose year-on-year, in retail sale by 3,8 %, in wholesale by 2,7 %, in food and beverage service activities by 1,5 % and in information and communication activities by 0,8 %. It dropped in accommodation by 11,9 %, in sale and repair of motor vehicles by 2,6 %, in transportation and storage by 2 %, in industry by 0,7 %, in construction by 0,5 % and in selected market services by 0,1 %.

Note: preliminary data; according to monthly survey; employed persons are employees and entrepreneurs; wages excluding entrepreneur´s incomes, including wages of employees employed by tradesmen.

We would like to thank all enterprises that fulfilled their reporting obligations even in the current difficult situation and provided the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic with the primary data necessary for the compilation of current statistics.


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  • Statistical Office of the SR
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  • Slovak Republic
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