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Foreign trade definitive data in 2019
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Foreign trade definitive data in 2019

Last update: 24.06.2021 | Number of views: 1292
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Macroeconomic statistics
Domain: Foreign trade
Publish Date: 24.09.2020

SO SR publishes definitive data on FT for 2019. The largest volume of exports from the SR went to Germany, V4 countries, France and Austria.

SO SR standardly publishes updated definitive data on foreign trade after the end of the reference period in September of the following year; current data for 2019 adjust preliminary data released in March 2020.

In 2019, goods in the amount of EUR 80 337,7 million were exported from the Slovak Republic, of which 84,3 % went to 28 EU countries 1). Compared to 2018, total exports increased by 1,5 %, over the last 10 years, they increased by up to 63,1 %.

In 2019, as for the main economic groupings, exports to EU countries increased by 0,8 % and to OECD countries 2) also by 0,8 %. 

In terms of the total volume of Slovak exports, Germany is the largest customer over a long period and 22 % of our exports go there. In 2019, other large customers of goods from Slovakia included the Czech Republic, Poland, France and Hungary. Outside of European countries, these were the United States and China. 

As for the most important trading partners, exports to Germany increased by 0,8 %, France by 12,3 %, Hungary by 8,1 %, the United Kingdom by 10,6 % and China by 24,4 %. Exports to the Czech Republic decreased by 4,9 %, Poland and Austria equally by 0,7 %, Italy by 18,3 %, the United States by 4,1 % and the Russian Federation by 5,7 %.

Goods in the amount of EUR 79 275 million were imported to the Slovak Republic, with a year-on-year growth of 3,2 %. Since 2010, the volume of imports increased by 63,7 %. The value of imports of goods from EU countries represented 67 % of the total imported goods. Most goods were from Germany, the Czech Republic, China, Poland and the Republic of Korea.

Compared to 2018, as for the main economic groupings, imports from EU countries increased by 4,1 % (representing 67 % of total imports) and from OECD countries by 3,1 % (representing 66,6 % of total imports in the SR).

In relation to the most important trading partners, imports from the Czech Republic increased by 2,9 %, China by 10 %, Poland by 7 %, Hungary by 16,6 %, France by 17,5 %, Italy by 3,2 % and Austria by 7,5 %. Imports from Germany decreased by 5 %, the Russian Federation by 2,4 %, the Republic of Korea by 4,7 % and Vietnam by 9,3 %.  

The foreign trade balance for 2019 was in surplus in the amount of EUR 1 062,6 million (by EUR 1 246,8 million lower than in 2018).

The Slovak Republic had the highest surplus with Germany (EUR 4 659 million), France (EUR 2 819,7 million), the United Kingdom (EUR 2 591,9 million), Austria (EUR 1 961,2 million), United States (EUR 1 577,4 million). The largest deficit was with Vietnam (EUR 4 032,6 million), the Republic of Korea (EUR 3 923,7 million), China (EUR 3 347,6 million), the Russian Federation (EUR 3 028,7 million) and Malaysia (EUR 475,4 million).

Note: Data are in current prices in FOB type value. The information was prepared by the Statistical Office of the SR on the basis of data from the Customs Section of the Financial Directorate of the SR obtained within the customs procedure and from INTRASTAT-SK reports provided by consignees and consignors of goods.

1) data are for the EU-28, including the United Kingdom, by the end of 2019

2) Lithuania has been included in the OECD data since January 2018 (it has been a member of the OECD since 5.7.2018).

  • Issued by :

  • Statistical Office of the SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovak Republic
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