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Development of consumer prices in April 2019
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Development of consumer prices in April 2019

Last update: 15.02.2020 | Number of views: 416
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Macroeconomic statistics
Domain: Consumer prices and prices of production statistics
Publish Date: 15.05.2019

In April compared with March, consumer prices increased by 0,2 % in total.  Prices rose in the divisions of clothing and footwear by 1,2 %; recreation and culture by 0,9 %; health; transport equally by 0,5 %; furniture and furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance by 0,4 %; restaurant and hotels; miscellaneous goods and services equally by 0,2 %; food and non-alcoholic beverages; housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels; education equally by  0,1 %. Prices of alcoholic beverages and tobacco dropped by 1,5 %. Prices of communications were at the level of March.

Food prices were affected by higher prices of vegetables (including potatoes) by 2,9 %; fish by 0,7 %; meat by 0,5 %; bread and cereals by 0,4 %. Prices of fruit decreased by 2,4 %; oils and fats by 2,2 %; food products n.e.c. by 1 %; milk, cheese and eggs by 0,9 %; sugar, jam, honey, syrups, chocolates and confectionary by 0,8 %. Prices of non-alcoholic beverages increased by 1 % (coffee, tea and cocoa by 1,6 %, mineral water, soft drinks, fruit and vegetable juices by 0,6 %).

Higher prices of vegetables were affected by price increases of white cabbage by 19,7 %, potatoes by 10 %, parsley by 8,2 %, pepper by 6,4 %, celery by 6,2 %, tomatoes by 4,4 %, carrot by 2,7 %, onion by 0,5 %. Prices of cauliflower dropped by 10 %, salad cucumbers by 4,6 %, garlic by 0,5 %. Higher prices of meat were caused by rise in prices of pork meat by 5,3 %, beef meat by 1,1 %, poultry by 0,2 %. Prices of sausages decreased by 0,8 %. Price decrease of fruit was affected by lower prices of table grapes by 10,7 %, bananas by 6,1 %, apples by 3,5 %, oranges by 1,3 %. Prices of tangerines rose by 5,3 %, lemons by 3,8 %, kiwi by 2,3 %.

Lower prices in the division of alcoholic beverages and tobacco were affected by decrease in prices of alcoholic beverages by 2,9 % (wine by 3,8 %, beer by 3,3 %, spirits by 1,9 %). Prices of tobacco were unchanged.

Higher prices in the division of clothing and footwear were affected by increase in prices of footwear by 1,4 %; clothing by 1,1 %.

Price increases in the division of housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels were affected by higher prices of services related to maintenance and repair of the dwelling by 0,5 %; materials for maintenance and repair of the dwelling by 0,4 %; imputed rentals of owner-occupiers; refuse collection; other services relating to dwelling; heat energy equally by 0,1 %. Prices of actual rentals paid by tenants; water supply; sewage collection; electricity; gas; solid fuels remained at the level of the previous month.

Higher prices in the division of furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance were affected by rise in prices of goods and services for routine household maintenance by 0,7 %; household appliances; glassware, tableware and household utensils equally by 0,4 %; furniture and furnishings, carpets and other floor coverings; tools and equipment for house and garden equally by 0,3 %. Prices of household textiles remained unchanged.

Rise in prices in the health division was influenced by higher prices of medical products, medical appliances and equipment by 0,8 % (pharmaceutical products by 0,8 %, therapeutic appliances and equipment by 0,4 %, prices of other medical products remained unchanged). Prices of outpatient services (prices of medical services, dental services were unchanged; prices of middle medical staff services increased by 0,1 %); hospital services were at the level of the previous month.

Increase in prices in transport was caused by higher prices in operation of personal transport equipment by 2,6 % (prices of fuels and lubricants for personal transport equipment increased by 3,3 %, maintenance and repair by 0,5 %, other services related to personal transport equipment by 0,4 %, prices of spare parts and accessories decreased by 0,5 %); purchase of transport equipment by 0,1 % (bikes by 1,2 %, new motor vehicles by 0,1 %). Prices of transport services dropped by 2,3 % (passenger transport by air by 18,2 %, other purchase transport services by 0,5 %, prices of passenger transport by road remained unchanged).

In the division of communication, prices of postal; telephone services were at the level of March. Prices of telephone equipment increased by 0,2 %.

Higher prices in the recreation and culture division affected rise in prices of newspapers, books and stationary by 1,6 %; other recreational items and equipment for gardens and pets by 1,4 %; recreational services and culture by 1,1 %; package holidays by 0,2 %; other major durable goods for recreation and culture - musical instruments by 0,1 %. Prices of audiovisual and photographic technology were unchanged.

Higher prices in the education division were affected by rise in prices of education not definable by the level by 0,6 % (fee for language course by 1,2 %); pre-primary and primary education by 0,1 % (fee in kindergarten by 0,1 %). Prices of secondary; tertiary education were unchanged.

Higher prices in the division of restaurants and hotels were influenced by increases in prices of catering services by 0,3 % (in restaurants, cafes by 0,4 %, payment for meals in canteens for pensioners by 0,3 %, prices in canteens remained unchanged); accommodation services by 0,2 %.

Increase in prices in the division of miscellaneous goods and services was influenced by higher prices of social protection by 0,4 % (payment for provision of nursing services by 0,5 %; payment in social service facilities by 0,4 %, payment in day care facilities by 0,1 %); personal care; personal effects n.e.c. equally by 0,3 %. Prices of insurance dropped by 0,2 % (prices of insurance relating to the dwelling decreased by 1 %, insurance relating to the health by 0,2 %, prices of compulsory contractual motor car insurance by 0,3 %). Prices of financial services n.e.c.; other services n.e.c. were unchanged.

In April 2019 compared with April 2018, consumer prices increased by 2,3 % in total. Prices increased in the divisions of housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels by 4,1 %; restaurants and hotels by 3,6 %; food and non-alcoholic beverages by 2,9 %; miscellaneous goods and services by 2,7 %; health by 2,4 %; alcoholic beverages and tobacco by 1,8 %; furniture and furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance by 1,5 %; recreation and culture by 1,4 %; education by 1 %; communications by 0,8 %; clothing and footwear by 0,6 %. Prices of transport dropped by 1,6 %.

On average, over the first four months of 2019 compared with the same period of 2018, consumer prices increased by 2,4 % in total.

In April compared with March, index of consumer prices increased in households of employees, in households of pensioners and in low-income households equally by 0,2 %.

In April 2019, index of consumer prices increased, year-on-year, in households of employees by 2,2 %, households of pensioners by 2,8 % and in low-income households by 2,5 %.

On average, over the first four months of 2019 compared with the same period of 2018, index of consumer prices increased in households of employees by 2,3 %, in household of pensioners by 2,8 %, in low-income households by 2,5 %.

  • Issued by :

  • Statistical Office of the SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovak Republic
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