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16.05.2024 | Industry |
In March 2024, the value of new orders in industry decreased by 16.9% year-on-year and reached a volume of EUR 5.38 billion
15.05.2024 | National accounts |
The volume of GDP in the 1st quarter of 2024 grew more dynamically both quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year, the economic growth was the fastest in the last eight quarters.
14.05.2024 | Consumer prices and prices of production statistics |
The prices of alcohol and tobacco, fuel, personal care products and services increased month-on-month. Higher administrative fees increased by a quarter as part of the consolidation of public finances also had a significant impact on price growth.
13.05.2024 | Tourism |
Spring holidays, even without snow in March, caused higher visit rate in hotels and guesthouses than a year ago in 6 out of 8 regions of the Slovak Republic.
13.05.2024 | Comprehensive products |
Real wages grew year-on-year in all 10 sectors monitored monthly, as many as 6 of them reached growth of over 5%. Employees increased year-on-year in 8 out of 10 industries, their decreases were recorded in industry and transport.
13.05.2024 | Comprehensive products |
March´s turnover decreased in 2 out of 5 monitored sectors of the economy, the decline in industry and construction exceeded 11%.
10.05.2024 | Industry |
The industrial production slowed down significantly, it dropped in most sectors, including the dominant manufacture of motor vehicles, metals and rubber.
10.05.2024 | Construction |
Construction production in March fell by 9.4% year-on-year. Domestic new construction mainly contributed to this. By type of constructions building construction slowed down by 8.1% and civil engineering works fell the most from January 2022.
09.05.2024 | Foreign trade |
In March, foreign trade resulted in a surplus of EUR 577 million, however, it dropped the most year-on-year since May 2020.
07.05.2024 | Trade and food services |
March´s retail turnover rose year-on-year, though more slowly than in the first two months of the year.