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Development of tourism in accommodation establishments in the SR in February 2020
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Development of tourism in accommodation establishments in the SR in February 2020

Last update: 22.01.2021 | Number of views: 249
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Sectoral statistics
Domain: Tourism
Publish Date: 22.04.2020

The number of visitors in accommodation establishments continued to increase, though the growth rate was the slowest during the last eleven months

In February 2020, the number of visitors in accommodation establishments reached 482 189 persons and the number of overnight stays was 1 383 672. The number of visitors rose, year-on-year, by 10,3 % and the number of overnight stays by 10,6 %. However, the growth rate was in both indicators was the slowest during the last eleven months.

Services of tourist accommodation establishments were used by 316,8 thous. domestic visitors. Their number increased year-on-year, by 12,8 %, representing more than two thirds (65,7 %) of the total number of visitors accommodated. The number of foreign visitors also increased, reaching a year-on-year increase of 5,9 % to 165,4 thousand.


Graph - Development of the number of visitors the SR

The visitors spent, on average, 2,9 nights in the accommodation establishments, of which domestic visitors 2,9 and foreign visitors 2,8 nights.

More than a quarter of visitors (26,6 %) visited Žilinský kraj. The total number of accommodated persons in this region was 128 thous. They were predominantly domestic visitors, representing 64,1 %. The most attractive tourist sites included also Bratislavský and Prešovský kraj, with more than 90 thous. overnight stays in each of them.

The total number of visitors increased year-on-year in all regions, in four of them it was higher by more than 10 %, most notably in Prešovský kraj, with a growth by 17,8 %. The number of domestic visitors grew in all regions, among foreign visitors it decreased in Nitriansky, Trenčiansky and Košický kraj.

The number of accommodation establishments increased by 348 persons (by 8,5 %) year-on-year, based on the updated Statistical register of accommodation establishments by municipalities. At the end of February 2020, their number reached 4 464, there were 70,4 thous. rooms and 184,8 thous. of beds available. The number of rooms increased by 2,4 thous (by 3,6 %) and the number of beds by 8,1 thous. (by 4,6 %).

Note: statistics of accommodation establishments contain data from all legal entities and natural persons with assigned Identification Number, which are kept in the Register of Accommodation Establishments of the SO SR and provide temporary tourist accommodation.


  • Issued by :

  • Statistical Office of the SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovak Republic
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