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Construction confidence indicator in February 2021
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Construction confidence indicator in February 2021

Last update: 25.11.2021 | Number of views: 271
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Macroeconomic statistics
Domain: Business tendency surveys and consumer opinions
Publish Date: 25.02.2021

In February compared with the previous month, the seasonally adjusted confidence indicator in construction increased by 0,5 points to -47,0 due to more favourable evaluations of the expected employment. The current result is below the long-term average by 23 points.

Compared with the situation in the previous month, the indicator of the building activity trend over the past three months deteriorated by 4 points to -22, mainly due to enterprises performing specialized construction works. A decrease of the construction activity was recorded by 46 % of respondents, its increase by 6 % of respondents, and 48 % of enterprises considered it to be unchanged. Compared with January, the evaluation of the current level of overall order books remained unchanged, the balance was at the level of the previous month (-68). 0 % of respondents consider them to be more than sufficient, 31 % to be sufficient and for 69 % respondents the current level of orders was insufficient. 40 % of respondents included financial constraints, 38 % insuffient demand, 32 % weather conditions, 19 % shortage of employees and 15 % lack of materials and mechanisms into the most significant factors limiting a growth of construction production currently. Respondents also report: restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic and their negative mpact on the economy, loss of investors, employees tested positive for COVID-19 and seasonality. 9 % of enterprises do not see any barriers of growth currently. Expectations of respondents in estimation of the employment development improved month-on-month, the business balance of the expected number of employees, rose by 1 point to -26. Over the next three months, 7 % of respondents expect an increase of employment, 65 % expect a stable development and 28 % of enterprises expect a decrease. Compared with January, the business balance of the expected construction production prices over the next three months increased by 8 points to -7, mainly due to enterprises performing civil engineering. An increase in the price level of their own products is expected by 14 % of respondents, 68 % do not consider any price changes and 18 % assume their decrease.

Note: *In February 2021, 295 respondents participated in the survey representing the entire construction sector. The values of the confidence indicator in construction and the balances range from -100 (responses of all respondents are pessimistic) to 100 (responses of all respondents are optimistic). Confidence indicator and balances on republic level are seasonally adjusted.


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