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Development of consumer prices in August 2021
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Development of consumer prices in August 2021

Last update: 14.06.2022 | Number of views: 1089
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Macroeconomic statistics
Domain: Consumer prices and prices of production statistics
Publish Date: 14.09.2021

In August, compared to July, consumer prices in total increased by 0.4%, compared to August 2020 they increased by 3.8%.

Development of consumer prices in August compared to July

Prices increased in the division of furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance, transport (transport services, fuels), miscellaneous goods and services, restaurants and hotels. Compared to August last year, prices of imputed rent of owner-occupiers, maintenance and repair of dwellings, fuels, transport services, food and non-alcoholic beverages, recreation and culture, furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance, miscellaneous goods and services, health care increased.

Month-on-month, prices increased in the division of furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance by 1.1 %; transport by 1 %; miscellaneous goods and services by 0.8 %; housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels by 0.7 %; restaurants and hotels by 0.4 %; recreation and culture by 0.3 %; health care by 0.2 %. Prices of clothing and footwear decreased by 0.7 %; alcoholic beverages and tobacco by 0.3 %; food and non-alcoholic beverages by 0.1 %. Prices of education, communication remained unchanged.

Ilustračný obrázok - Graf

In food, prices of oils and fats increased by 1.7 %; food products not elsewhere classified by 1.2 %; fish by 0.9 %; milk, cheese and eggs; sugar, jam, honey, syrups, chocolate and confectionery equally by 0.8 %; bread and cereals by 0.7 %; meat by 0.3 %; prices of seasonal products, vegetables (including potatoes) decreased by 4 %; fruit by 3.5 %. Prices of non-alcoholic beverages decreased by 0.8 % (mineral waters, non-alcoholic beverages and juices by 0.9 %, coffee, tea and cocoa by 0.7 %).

A decrease in prices in the division of alcoholic beverages and tobacco was caused by lower prices of alcoholic beverages by 0.5 % (prices of beer decreased by 2.5 %, wines by 0.7 %, prices of spirits increased by 1.4 %).

Lower prices in the division of clothing and footwear were influenced by a decrease in footwear prices by 1.8 %; clothing by 0.2 %.

A rise in prices in the division of housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels was caused by higher prices of imputed rent of owner-occupiers by 1.6 %; services for maintenance and repair of the dwelling by 1.3 %; materials for maintenance and repair of the dwelling by 1.1 %; solid fuels by 0.7 %; refuse collection; other services related to dwellings by 0.2 %.

An increase in prices in the division of furniture, household equipment and routine household maintenance was influenced by higher prices of goods and services for routine household maintenance by 1.9 %; furniture, household equipment, carpets and other floor coverings by 1.4 %; household textiles by 1 %; household appliances by 0.5 %. Prices of tools and equipment for the house and garden decreased by 0.3 %. Prices of glassware, tableware and household utensils did not change.

Higher prices in the division of health care were influenced by an increase in prices of other health care products by 0.4 %, pharmaceutical products; therapeutic appliances and equipment equally by 0.2 %. Prices of medical services increased by 0.3 %.

A rise in prices in transport was influenced by higher prices of transport services by 3.5 %; operation of personal transport equipment by 0.6 % (fuels and lubricants for personal transport, spare parts and accessories equally by 0.7%, other services related to means of passenger transport by 0.5%, maintenance and repairs by 0.2% ). Prices of purchase of transport equipment decreased by 0.2 % (prices of motor vehicles decreased by 0.2 %, prices of bikes increased by 0.4 %).

In communications, prices of telephone equipment increased by 0.7 %.

An increase in prices in the division of recreation and culture was influenced by a rise in prices of other major durable goods for recreation and culture by 1.8 %; package holidays by 1.4 %; other recreational items and equipment for gardens and pets by 0.9 %; audiovisual and photographic technology; recreational services and culture equally by 0.3 %. Prices of newspapers, books and stationery decreased by 0.1 %.

A rise in prices in the division of restaurants and hotels was due to higher prices of catering (in restaurants and cafés by 0.5 %, in canteens by 0.1 %) and accommodation services equally by 0.4 %.

A rise in prices in the division of miscellaneous goods and services was caused by a growth in prices of personal care by 1.2 %; personal effects not elsewhere classified; social protection equally by 0.3 % (reimbursement for the provision of care services by 0.5 %, reimbursement in social services facilities by 0.4 %).

In August, compared to July, the consumer price index increased in households of employees, in households of pensioners equally by 0.4 %, in low-income households by 0.3 %.

Price development in August 2021 compared to August 2020

In a year-on-year comparison, prices in the division of transport increased by 11.1 %; alcoholic beverages and tobacco by 8.6 %; communications by 6.6 %; recreation and culture by 3.9 %; education by 3.7 %; food and non-alcoholic beverages by 3.6 %; restaurants and hotels by 3.3 %; furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance by 3.2 %; miscellaneous goods and services by 2.5 %; housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels by 2.2 %; health care by 2.1 %; clothing and footwear by 0.7 %.

An increase in prices in transport was influenced by higher prices of fuels and lubricants of personal transport equipment by 22.1 %, road passenger transport by 5.4 %, other services related to personal transport equipment by 3.7 %, purchase of bikes by 6.1 % , purchase of motor vehicles by 2.7 %, maintenance and repairs by 2.3 %. In the division of alcoholic beverages and tobacco, prices of alcoholic beverages increased by 1.5 % (prices of spirits increased by 4.4 %, beers by 0.3 %, prices of wine decreased by 1%); as for the communications, prices of telephone equipment decreased by 0.4 %. In the division of recreation and culture, prices of newspapers, books and stationery were higher by 6.6 %, package holidays by 4.9 %, audiovisual and photographic equipment by 3.9 %, recreational services and culture by 3.2 %, other recreational items and equipment for garden and pets by 1.5 %. In food, prices of vegetables increased by 12.9 %, oils and fats by 9.1 %, fruit by 4.4 %, food products not elsewhere classified by 4.2 %, fish by 4 %, bread and cereals by 2.5 % %, meat by 2.4 %, milk, cheese and eggs by equally 2.3 %. Prices of mineral waters, soft drinks and juices increased by 2.4 %, coffee, tea and cocoa by 0.9 %. As for the restaurants and hotels, prices increased in restaurants, cafés by 4 % and in canteens by 2.2 %, accommodation services by 1.8 %.

In the division of furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance, prices of furniture, household equipment, carpets and other floor coverings increased by 6.8 %, household textiles by 3 %, tools and equipment for house and garden by 2.7 %, household appliances by 2.2 %, glassware, tableware and household utensils by 1.6 %, goods and services for routine household maintenance by 1.1 %; in the division of miscellaneous goods and services, prices of personal effects not elsewhere classified increased by 3.6 %, insurance, personal care equally by 3 %, social protection by 2.5 %.

In the division of housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, prices of imputed rentals of owner-occupiers increased by 8.6 %, maintenance and repair of dwellings by 7.4 %, refuse collection by 6.2 %, other services related to dwellings by 2.5 %, solid fuels by 2.5 %. In health care, prices of other medical products increased by 5.2 %, therapeutic appliances and equipment by 3.6 %, pharmaceutical products by 1.7 %, middle staff services – thermal bath by 4.5 %, medical services by 1.6 %.

On average, in the eight months of 2021, compared to the same period in 2020, consumer prices increased by 2.1 % in total.

In August 2021, the consumer price index increased, year on year, for households of employees by 3.8 %, households of pensioners by 3.9 %, low-income households by 3.6 %.

On average, in the eight months of 2021, compared to the same period of 2020, the consumer price index increased for households of employees by 2.2 %, low-income households by 2 %, households of pensioners by 1.9 %.

Outputs of the INFLATION product line:

FIRST RELEASE - Development of consumer price indices (national inflation / CPI) always around the 13th to 15th day of the following month after the end of the reference period.
Current: Development of consumer price indices in August 2021 (reference period August 2021) today 14 September in the form of tables in DATAcube databases. and STATdat. and a text of the INFORMATIVE REPORT stored in the CATALOGUE OF INFORMATIVE REPORTS.

FIRST RELEASE - Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) for the EU, usually a few days after national CPI inflation. The HICP has a uniform methodology in the EU to ensure the comparability of consumer price indices of individual countries. baskets for the CPI and the HICP differ in part; the HICP, unlike the CPI, does not include the components "Imputed rents"; and selected items related to major household repairs and maintenance, resulting in some differences in the CPI and HICP weights.
Current: The information report HARMONISED INDICES OF CONSUMER PRICES IN AUGUST 2021 will be published on 17 September 2021 and stored in the CATALOGUE OF INFORMATION REPORTS. On the same day, the press report of Eurostat INFLATION IN THE EUROZONE is displayed at

ELECTRONIC PUBLICATION - "CONSUMER PRICE INDICES IN THE SR", which also contains more detailed data on the topic, other indices and more detailed structures of price in-creases as well as consumer price (cost of living) indices for selected social groups - for employees' households; pensioners; for low-income households.
Current: Publication of CONSUMER PRICE INDICES IN THE SR No. 8 2021 will be published on 30 September 2021 in the CATALOGUE OF PUBLICATIONS

Responsible person: Director of the Price Statistics Department Ing. ŠtefanAdamec

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