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In 2019, tourism produced 2.86 % of the performance of economy in the SR
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In 2019, tourism produced 2.86 % of the performance of economy in the SR

Posledná aktualizácia: 21.09.2022 | Počet zobrazení: 20
Ilustračný obrázok
Vydavateľ: Statistical Office of the SR
Tématická oblasť: Sectoral statistics
Okruh: Tourism
Dátum publikovania: 21.12.2021

The SO SR releases the Tourism Satellite Account 2019, which summarizes a contribution of the sector to the Slovak economy.

Tourists, i.e. Slovaks and foreigners on stays in the SR, as well as Slovak citizens traveling abroad spent almost EUR 6.8 billion during 2019. The domestic tourism was particularly successful, the expenditures of domestic visitors increased by a quarter to more than EUR 3 billion in the SR during 2019.

In 2019, the tourism industries produced a total value of EUR 10.2 billion. It is a total production of characteristic tourism industries that are internationally comparable, as well as sectors specific to tourism in the SR. The gross value added of all these sectors amounted to EUR 4.6 billion, its value decreased by 3.5 % year-on-year. The direct added value, which is directly linked to tourism, reached the value of EUR 2.12 billion and its value increased by 8.2 % year-on-year.

In 2019, the tourism industries accounted for a total of 2.86 % of the performance of the Slovak economy, while the country's GDP share of the sector increased slightly year-on-year. The tourism direct gross domestic product reached the value of EUR 2.6 billion, which represented by 9.3 % higher year-on-year value.

This follows from the data of the Statistical Office of the SR processed within the Tourism Satellite Account 2019. The Tourism Satellite Account provides the professional public with more detailed data on the economic performance of the tourism industry, its share and impacts on the country's economy.

The number of employees in tourism also increased in 2019

The number of people employed in tourism rose continuously since 2013, in 2019 there were almost 186.5 thousand. Most of them worked in catering services and in passenger transport. As for the total number of employees, employees represented 85.5 % and entrepreneurs the rest. Internationally comparable indicator - the number of working places calculated to full-time equivalents (FTE) reached the value of almost 184.9 thousand working places.

Travel expenditures increased by more than 15%

In total, tourists spent almost EUR 6.8 billion (expenditures of domestic and foreigners on the territory of the SR as well as expenditures of Slovak citizens on trips abroad). The total expenditures increased by 15.8 % year-on-year.

The domestic tourism was especially successful. As for the three components of tourism, the largest volume was represented by domestic tourism expenditures (EUR 3 billion). These are the expenditures of domestic visitors in domestic tourism in the SR. These expenditures reached a year-on-year growth of almost 24 %.

At the same time, Slovak citizens spent almost EUR 2.1 billion on goods and services on trips abroad (foreign outbound tourism) and foreigners, who came to the SR (domestic inbound tourism) spent EUR 1.6 billion.

The highest part of visitors' expenditures in the territory of the SR (domestic and foreign visitors) represented payments for accommodation and catering services (39.5 % of expenditures).

One-day visits represented two thirds of trips to Slovakia

The total number of holiday and business trips within the domestic inbound and foreign outbound tourism reached the value of almost 71.2 million roads and increased by 16.9 % year-on-year. In Slovakia, domestic visitors and foreigners made a total of 61.5 million trips, of which one-day trips represented almost three quarters.

Almost two thirds of trips in the SR (45.4 million) were made by domestic tourists, while 77.2 % of them represented one-day trips and the rest (10.3 million trips) was represented by longer overnight stays. Slovak visitors spent a total of 36.8 million nights in accommodation establishments of the SR.

In the SR, almost 23 % of trips were made by foreign visitors, which represents 16.1 million roads in Slovakia. One-day visits also prevailed in travelling of foreigners (65 %). Overnight stays were used by 5.6 million foreigners, who spent 16.4 million nights in the SR.

Traveling Slovaks abroad

Within the foreign outbound tourism, the Slovaks realized a total of 9.7 million trips abroad, i.e. by 16.2 % more than a year ago. Multi-day trips (with overnight stays) prevailed, accounting for up to 61.8 % of the number of trips abroad. Every third trip was a one-day trip.

The product of the SO SR TOURISM SATELLITE ACCOUNT 2019 includes:

  • Extended Information Report
  • Data set in 21 detailed tables with data for 2019 and previous years from 2013

  • Vydal :

  • Štatistický úrad SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovenská republika
  • Informačný servis :

  • tel. +421 2 50 236 339
  • +421 2 50 236 335
  • e-mail:

Upozornenie: Pri uverejnení celej informatívnej správy alebo jej časti prosíme uviesť zdroj informácií Štatistický úrad Slovenskej republiky. Štatistický úrad SR tvorí kvalitné štatistiky užitočné pre spoločnosť podľa 16 zásad týkajúcich sa inštitucionálneho prostredia, štatistických procesov a výstupov podľa Kódexu postupov pre európsku štatistiku.

/wps/portal/ext/products/informationmessages/inf_sprava_detail In 2019, tourism produced 2.86 % of the performance of economy in the SR Z6_Q7I8BB1A00BL30IJKSNHCF2GU5 /Štatistický úrad SR - Úvodná stránka /Produkty /Katalóg informatívnych správ /Detail