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Services confidence indicator in November 2018
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Services confidence indicator in November 2018

Last update: 28.02.2019 | Number of views: 99
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Macroeconomic statistics
Domain: Business tendency surveys and consumer opinions
Publish Date: 28.11.2018

In November, the confidence indicator in services did not confirm the optimism of the survey conducted in October, and it decreased again, its value (-11,3) decreased by 11 percentage points compared with the last month´s survey. The indicator´s development was affected by unfavourable evaluations of all its three components.

Compared with the last month´s survey, the business situation over the past three months deteriorated, the business balance (of seasonally adjusted data) decreased by 16 points and reached the level minus 25. A deterioration of the business situation is felt by 33 % of respondents (by 15 % more than in October), an improvement was felt similarly by 14 % of enterprises and 53 % of enterprises reported a stable development. Negative trend was reflected mainly in accommodation and food service activities and in financial and insurance activities, slightly also in the field of real estates, in administrative and support service activities and in arts, entertainment and recreation, on the contrary, in professional, scientific and technical activities satisfaction prevailed. Compared with the previous month´s survey, the demand for the services over the past three months (-14) decreased by 12 points. A deterioration pf the demand was reported mainly in accommodation and food service activities as well as in financial and insurance activities, though respondents were dissatisfied also in administrative and support service activities, in arts, entertainment and recreation. Respondents were satisfied with the demand in transportation and storage, in the field of real estates and in professional, scientific and technical activities. Compared with October´s survey, the expected development of the demand for services over the next three months was evaluated again more negatively, the seasonally adjusted business balance (5) decreased by 5 p.p. A lower demand is expected in transportation and storage, in information and communication and in real estates, a higher demand is assumed in accommodation and food service activities and in professional, scientific and technical activities. 36 % of enterprises decreased the number of their employees over the past three months (by 1 p.p. more than in the survey conducted in October), 12 % of enterprises reported an increase (by 2 p.p. more), 52 % of enterprises had a stable development (by 3 p.p. less). Compared with the last month, the final seasonally adjusted balance (minus 26) decreased by 3 points, indicating a slight deterioration of the employment situation. Over the past three months, the number of the employed decreased mainly in financial and insurance activities, the number of employees was higher in transportation and storage and in accommodation and food service activities. A further worsening trend is assumed in the development of the employment over the next three months, the business balance (-7) decreased by 11 points, compared with the survey conducted in October. A lower number of employees is planned mainly in transportation and storage and in other service activities, on the contrary, a higher number of employees is planned in the field of professional, scientific and technical activities but also in accommodation and food service activities and in arts, entertainment and recreation. Compared with the previous period, the business balance of the expected prices of services over the next three months (3) decreased by 2 points while 2 % of enterprises (similarly as in the previous month) consider a price decrease, 13 % of enterprises expect a price increase (by 9 % more than in October). A majority of enterprises (85 %) consider a stable development. 34 % of companies do not feel limiting factors concerning the realization of their business plans. The most significant factors limiting the business plans in services have been insufficient demand (30 %), financial constraints (21 %), shortage of employees (20 %) and other barriers (14 %), within other barriers respondents reported most often: unfavourable business environment for the small and medium-sized enterprises, frequent legislative changes, lack of qualified staff, increase of the minimum wage, high competition, corruption and bureaucracy. Respondents reported they used capacities in services to 93 % in November.

Note: * In November 399 respondents were participated in survey which represents the whole service sector.

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