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Official statistics shape our future
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Official statistics shape our future

Last update: 20.10.2023 | Number of views: 1016
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Publisher: Štatistický úrad SR
Publish Date: 20.10.2023

On October 20, the statistical community celebrates the day of facts, transparency and reliability of data

Therefore, the 8th European Statistics Day will also be held in Slovakia in the spirit of the motto: Statistics for a better development in a fast-changing world.

Statistical experts, mathematicians, but also analysts and the users of statistics, for whom data is a key part of their daily work, draw the public´s attention to the social significance and importance of the production of official statistics, on October 20 throughout the European Union, including Slovakia. By celebrating the European Statistics Day, they point to the fundamental role of reliable data in recognizing trends in society, in the policy, strategy and decision-making that change the direction and normal life in the country.

"Statistical data in a fast-changing society are not just figures, but shape our understanding of the world, allow us to assess not only the state of our economies, but also to monitor our overall progress towards a sustainable future," emphasized on the occasion of the European Statistics Day, Peter Peťko, the President of the Statistical Office of the SR. He also recalled that "statistics are a valuable navigation tool even in the complex of challenges that society faces. In particular, the COVID-19 pandemic, which was followed by the conflict in Ukraine, accompanied by economic crises, as well as migration waves, tested their role and showed the importance of availability, timeliness, accuracy and reliability of data in the creation of measures and recovery strategies for the country. They thus serve economists, strategists, scientists, researchers, but also students in their daily work."

The Statistical Office of the SR prepared a series of dissemination and communication activities on the occasion of the European Statistics Day. As their part, the public will be offered interesting data on selected topics, which will be published gradually during October.

Activities of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic on the occasion of the European Statistics Day

  • Press release on the topic of poverty in Slovakia - summarizes the number and share of residents who are at risk of at least one of the three components (dimensions) of poverty. The report brings current values for Slovakia and individual regions More in the press release : Poverty or social exclusion in Slovakia in 2022 threatened 888-thousand people in 2022
    Release date 17 October 2023
  • Press release on average wages in Slovakia - summary information on the development of nominal and real wages in the economy over the 30 years of existence of the independent Slovak Republic.
    Release date: 23 October 2023
  • Press release on regional cities - provides a closer look at the lives of residents through selected indicators from demography, real estate prices and transport over a longer time series. Interactive graphs are also included, which present two selected indicators:
    • on the share of seniors in the total population
    • average realized prices of houses and dwellings

    Release date: 25 October 2023
  • A series of communication posts on social networks – provides the public with interesting facts on the following topics:
    • about the importance of official statistics for the life of society
    • on European statistics and skills of the population - comparison of selected indicators within the framework of the European Year of Skills, for which 2023 was declared (share of citizens with higher education, number of IT specialists, language studies, residents with basic digital skills)
    • dissemination activities with the aim of bringing the citizen closer to the use of statistical data in everyday life

    Deadline: October

Activities of Eurostat on the occasion of the European Statistics Day

  • Eurostat joined the celebrations with its own activities:
    • webinar focused on skills statistics, taking place on 27 October 2023
    • release of a new episode on the topic of statistical literacy within the podcast ’Stats in a Wrap
    • posts with infographics and animations on social networks focused on key indicators and interesting facts about Eurostat
    • senior managers of Eurostat will respond questions to the media
    • continuous updating of the website of the European Statistical System providing information on the activities and events organized within the European statistical community

  • Issued by :

  • Statistical Office of the SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovak Republic
  • Information Services :

  • tel. +421 2 50 236 339
  • +421 2 50 236 335
  • e-mail:

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