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Statistical Yearbook of the Slovak Republic 2022
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Statistical Yearbook of the Slovak Republic 2022

Last update: 01.08.2023 | Number of views: 1805
Ilustračný obrázok
Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Domain: Comprehensive products
Publish Date: 01.12.2022
Periodicity: yearly
Language versions: SK/EN
Number of pages: 700
Publication code: 11122

Number of downloads:449

The most extensive and comprehensive publication published by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic bringing thousands of data for the year 2021 in the context of the previous four years and selected primary economic indicators for a period of 14 years. The data is arranged in 31 thematic chapters on almost 700 pages and in more than 400 tables. In short, it brings also comparison of Slovakia with the European countries and offers visualizations of selected data. The publication is a unique source of information for work, creating of analyses, articles, professional works for both experts and the lay public.

For the first time, the complete yearbook is available free of charge from the moment of publication and in electronic format.

The new electronic version of the publication made it possible to increase the number of editions of the yearbook, to publish its content in several time stages according to the availability of data from various sources. The Statistical Yearbook of the Slovak Republic has two editions. The second edition, published on January 24, extends the content of the tables with the most up-to-date data in chapters 7. Health and 18. Energy.


Searching for information in the Statistical Yearbook of the Slovak Republic:

Searching for data from a specific area – searching by chapters

  • select the area you are interested in and click to open it
  • the individual chapters belonging to the given statistics area are displayed
  • by clicking on the title of the chapter, a compressed file with tables will be downloaded to your computer, the first sheet contains a list of all tables forming the chapter, on the other sheets with the table designation, you will find data for individual indicators
  • each chapter contains a file with methodological explanations, definitions of individual statistical indicators and information about the sources of published data

Searching for data by password

  • click on the Index
  • the passwords that appear in the tables are displayed in alphabetical order
  • find the required password
  • for each password you will find the designations of the tables in which the password is located (e.g. T20–16: T means that it is a table, 20 represents the chapter number, 16 is the order of the table in the chapter)
  • find the table (e.g. T20–16) in the chapters under the Index, (e.g. chapter 20 is in the Sectoral Statistics, in the chapter 20. Trade, Catering , Accommodation) by clicking on the name of the chapter, a compressed file containing tables will be downloaded to your computer, after opening the file, table T20–16 is located on the sheet T20–16

  • Issued by :

  • Statistical Office of the SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovak Republic
  • Information Services :

  • tel. +421 2 50 236 339
  • +421 2 50 236 335
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