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Statistical Office SR
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Výsledky výberového zisťovania pracovných síl

31.10.2022 | Labour | Statistical Office of the SR | Analytic publication

Labour Force Sample Survey results in the Slovak Republic for the 2nd quarter 2022

Data on employed and unemployed persons from the survey conducted in households for the 2nd quarter 2022.

Výsledky ročných zisťovaní v priemysle SR, výroba a predaj  vybraných výrobkov

29.09.2022 | Industry | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview

Annual surveys results in industry in the SR, production and sale of selected products in 2021

Annual surveys results in industry in the SR, production and sale of selected products in 2021.

Výsledky štvrťročných zisťovaní v priemysle SR a výroba vybraných výrobkov/Results of Quarterly Surveys in Industry and Production of Selected Goods

13.09.2022 | Industry | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview

Quarterly surveys results of industry in the SR and selected goods production in the 2nd quarter of 2022

Development of selected indicators (number of employees, wages, wage resources, worked hours, financial indicators) in the Slovak industry...

Stavebná produkcia zamestnanci a mzdy v stavebných podnikoch SR

15.08.2022 | Construction | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview

Construction production, employees and wages in construction companies in the SR, June 2022

Development of selected indicators in the construction industry: construction production in classifications according to construction directions,...

Ilustračný obrázok/Illustrative image

04.08.2022 | Agriculture, forestry, fisheries | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview

Integrated Farm Survey 2020 – Complete Results

Data on number and structure of farms, land use, number of animals by species, the structure of labour force and organic farming.

Ilustračný obrázok/Illustrative image

29.07.2022 | Labour | Statistical Office of the SR | Analytic publication

Labour Force Sample Survey results in the Slovak Republic for the 1st quarter 2022

Data on employed and unemployed persons from the survey conducted in households for the 1st quarter 2022.

Stavebná produkcia zamestnanci a mzdy v stavebných podnikoch SR

15.07.2022 | Construction | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview

Construction production, employees and wages in construction companies in the SR, May 2022

Development of selected indicators in the construction industry: construction production in classifications according to construction directions,...

Stavebná produkcia zamestnanci a mzdy v stavebných podnikoch SR

15.06.2022 | Construction | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview

Construction Production, Employees and Wages in Construction Companies in the SR, April 2022

Summary monthly results on construction.

Výsledky štvrťročných zisťovaní v priemysle SR a výroba vybraných výrobkov/Results of Quarterly Surveys in Industry and Production of Selected Goods

13.06.2022 | Industry | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview

Quarterly surveys results of industry in the SR and selected goods production in the 1st quarter of 2022

Development of selected indicators (number of employees, wages, wage resources, worked hours, financial indicators) in the Slovak industry...

Ilustratívny obrázok/Illustrative image

01.07.2022 | Comprehensive products | Statistical Office of the SR | Yearbook

Statistical Yearbook of the Slovak Republic 2021

The Statistical Yearbook of the Slovak Republic 2021 is the most comprehensive comprehensive work of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic.

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