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We introduce to you visualisations of selected statistical indicators on regional cities. In the form of dashboards, we present in total 20 key indicators in 39 individual graphs divided into four statistical domains monitoring the development in regional cities and mapping also the influence of pandemia. Visualisations present yearly data in time series.
We bring you an interactive web presentation of selected indicators of the city of Bratislava. In the form of interactive graphs we want to show you a key indicators from selected statistical areas over time.
We bring you a web presentation of selected key indicators. In an easy-to-read and understandable form, we want to show you an interesting development of the Slovak society and economy over time, including the Covid months, in selected statistical areas.
We introduce to you the Slovak municipalities in a new form. Selected statistical indicators for your municipality were enriched with a visual dimension. Through a simple, easily readable and attractive form we would like to present you some interesting figures from selected statistical domains available at the lowest territorial level.
Statistical indicators are shown in graphs. Besides the choice of a territorial parameter that allows the selection of any Slovak municipality, it is possible to monitor their development over the last 20 years.
We are introducing an interactive age structure of population which enables a simple comparison of the composition of inhabitants by sex and age in individual years available for Slovakia and up to the lowest territorial level.
The representation of individual age categories divided by men and women is shown in a simple graphic form. The choice of a territorial parameter allows the selection of the level of the Slovak Republic, region, district or individual municipalities. Data for the Slovak territory is available since 1945. At the lower territorial level statistical information is displayed since 1996.
Three indicators from the city statistics selected, for eight regional cities, the share of seniors, amount of municipal waste per capita and average prices for buying the property, which are very relevant these days and we are presenting them in an easy way – through short graphic animations. Animations demonstrate the development of selected indicators from 2010 to 2020; prices are only for two available years, but from the new data source, the cadastre database.
The animation presents basic geographical and demographic information about Slovakia. (Content available only in Slovak.)