Inflation – the development of consumer price indices has been surveying on an universal consumer basket established on the set of 740 representatives - selected goods and services paid by the population. Weights are annually updated, last update for the year 2023 and are available in the database of the Statistical Office of the SR. Consumer prices of individual representatives are collected at the whole territory of the SR in selected network of shops and service businesses during initial 20 days of a reference month. More about inflation
Average nominal monthly wage of employee in economy of the SR includes the amount of wage expenditures, paid by own employee as compensation for work or its recompense on the base of legal relationship (work, service, public servant or membership relation) to employer. It is a gross wage, non-lowered by legal or with employee agreed discount. Data are processed from quarterly statistical survey, without entrepreneurial incomes, including statistical estimate of wages of employees working for self-employed persons and calculated on natural persons. More about labour costs
Average fuel prices in the SR are prices surveyed including excise duty and VAT. The main source of data on the prices of individual types of fuel are data from the weekly of the Administration of State Material Reserves of the Slovak Republic.
Unemployed persons by the new LFS methodology valid in the EU since 2021 (IESS) are all persons aged 15-74, who fulfil the following three conditions: not working for pay or profit during the reference week, able to start working in the next two weeks and actively seeking work (full definition is issued in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2240). More about the LFS
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