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- Information service – consulting and counselling services, ensuring the information processing based on user requests,
data retrieval from databases of the SO SR and the Register of Economic Subjects, information on the methodology of data
collection, navigation of website visitors in searching for statistical information etc.
- Write to us - electronic form for submitting applications for statistical information and products pursuant to the Act no.
540/2001 Coll. on state statistics, form for sending comments or questions related to the activity of the Statistical
Office of the SR.
- Allocation of Company Registration Number – information on the allocation of Company Registration Numbers (CRN),
application forms for allocating CRN, data changes etc.
- Information Act – procedure for disclosure of information pursuant to the Act No. 211/2000 Coll. (the Freedom of
Information Act), methods of submitting a form for information access, scales of payment.
- Library services – contact data, office hours, library rules.
- Mailroom Office – contact data, office hours.
- European statistics – ESDS – services of the ESDS centre in the Statistical Office of the SR, selected Eurostat tables
in Slovak language, direct access to statistical information and Eurostat databases.