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Demography and Social statistics
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Demography and Social statistics

Last update: 19.01.2022 | Number of views: 136733


Demography is a social science dealing with the study of reproduction of human populations, it covers all events and processes related to the reproduction of human populations.

Demographic statistics deal with the quantifying of demographic events and processes.

The system of demographic statistics in the SR based on processing of monthly demographic events in an exhaustive survey of the whole population, regularly performed population censuses and supplementary population surveys (microcensuses); provides a decisive share of information on the population as a whole, its spatial distribution, number, structures, and characteristics in a specific period of time.

Social statistics

Social statistics are aimed at obtaining relevant and comparable statistical information on social protection, income and living conditions of households, labour and wages, education, health, culture and crime. This information is needed to develop and monitor policies at all levels of governance of public sphere including international organizations and to meet the needs of users at national and international level.

Social protection statistics are aimed at producing and analysing data on public administration measures in fields of social insurance, social aid and social assistance. They also include active labour market policy measures.

Statistics on living conditions provide data on structure of household incomes and expenditures from household budget surveys, provide representative and comparable data on the level and distribution of incomes, on the level and composition of poverty and social exclusion from the EU SILC survey. The obtained information is used for the analysis of living standard, it enables to objectively evaluate, internationally compare and analyse of the life quality of the population in regions and individual EU countries.

Labour market statistics provide information on present situation and trends in employment, unemployment, job vacancies, wages, labour costs and strikes. The basic source of this information is regular statistical surveys conducted in enterprises and households.

Quarterly Labour Force Survey (LFS) is used for continuous quarterly monitoring of labour force supply focusing on economic activity of population, employment and unemployment.

Education statistics provide data especially on the formal educational system, lifelong learning and the structure of the educational level of the population. These statistics also describe the financial flows related to education.

Health Statistics are aimed at providing statistical information on the structure and services of network of health facilities, on the health status of the population and its determinants, and health protection at work. Financial sources and health care expenditures are also described in the health statistics.


Business Statistics on Labour

The system of quarterly and annual business surveys represents the key tool of data collection in the labour and wage statistics, which provides information on the number of employees, hours worked, job vacancies, average nominal and real wage (classified by branches, size of enterprises, regions) for operative measures of governmental and other central bodies of the SR, as well as for professional and general public. The data on the average monthly nominal wage of employees published by the SO SR are a basis for other important social indicators (e.g. assessment base of old-age pension, earnings of constitutional officials, limit of deposit protection of the population etc.). For the purpose of regional overviews, the employment and wages are surveyed according to the place of work in annual periodicity, and the balance of total employment is compiled for the economy of the SR and in regional and NACE breakdowns.

Wage statistics include two annual statistical surveys aimed at monitoring the level and structure of employees´ wages and total labour costs. The surveys are fully harmonized with the current EC regulations. The results of the total labour cost survey provide information on the level and trends of all cost items, which employers spent in relation to the labour force employment. The results of the sample survey on the structure of wages are used for the purposes of monitoring the development of wages and its components by sex, age, education, occupation etc. They are an essential source of information on the pay gap for gender statistics.

The Labour Force Survey in households

The Labour Force Survey in households as a standard internationally comparable method for monitoring of the labour market situation is conducted by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic since 1993. The survey concept and methodology is based on definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organization and Eurostat and is fully harmonized with relevant EC regulations. The survey is continuous with a quarterly periodicity of processing and publishing the results. Based on stratified systematic selection, 10 250 dwellings are included in the sample on a quarterly basis. All data collected are recalculated to the current demographic data on the Slovak population.

Since 2000, the LFS also includes supplementary surveys (ad hoc modules) carried out in the second quarter of the reference year. The thematic focus of these ad hoc modules is laid down in EC regulations, eg. the reconciliation of work and family life in 2005, the transition from work to retirement in 2006, work-related accidents and health problems in 2007, the position of migrants and their immediate descendants in the labour market in 2008 and module on young people´s entry to labour market prepared in 2009.

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