The results of the Population and Housing Census 2021 can be found at
840 05 Bratislava 45
tel.: +421 2 50 236 222
The results of the Population and Housing Census 2021 can be found at
All statistical data for the "Population and housing cenzus" area can be found in the DATAcube. Public Database. The database provides to users time series of data and more comfort in the choice of statistical indicators, as well as working with data.
Since the distribution of the population is one of the basic socio-economic variables, and knowledge of its spatial differentiation is needed for many areas of human activity, the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic created, for the first time, a raster database of the numbers of population by basic demographic structures (gender, age), using a dataset of networks containing grids for each individual EU country. For the Slovak Republic, the dataset "Grid_ETRS89_LAEA_SK_1K" was used; it contains aggregated data from the 2011 Census.
The raster for the Slovak Republic is thus formed of 50,661 squares with the area of 1 km2 (border squares do not need to have an area of 1 km2). Out of the total number of the squares, less than one third is occupied (15,887, i.e. 31.4%).
Raster thematic maps