840 05 Bratislava 45
tel.: +421 2 50 236 222
Labour Market Statistics provide information on present situation and trends in wages and other labour costs. Primary source of this information consists of regular statistical surveys carried out in enterprises. Data on paid wages, payments for days not worked and other direct earnings in enterprises and non-profit organizations are collected by means of the quarterly enterprise surveys on labour. Annual surveys are used for more detailed monitoring of labour remuneration. The main objective of the annual Structure of Earnings Survey is to obtain information on the structure and differentiation of earnings (in net and gross form) by occupation, gender, age, education, economic activity, region, earnings bands and other classifications. The annual Labour Cost Survey completes spectrum of information on labour remuneration and provides data on level and structure of the labour costs spent by employers per labour force broken down by economic activity, region, types of ownership, size classes of enterprises and by selected legal forms.