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30.11.2024 | Statistical Office of the SR | yearly | Labour cost | Publication - Data overview
Results of the sample survey on total labour costs paid by an employer per employees, (wage and other costs by individual items) classified by SK...
28.06.2024 | Statistical Office of the SR | yearly | Labour cost | Publication - Data overview
The publication contains the results of the structure of earnings sample survey in the SR classified by occupation, sex, age and education.
30.11.2023 | Statistical Office of the SR | yearly | Labour cost | Publication - Data overview
Results of the sample survey on total labour costs paid by an employer per employees, (wage and other costs by individual items) classified by SK...
16.06.2023 | Statistical Office of the SR | yearly | Labour cost | Publication - Data overview
Results of the structure of earnings sample survey in the SR classified by occupation, sex, age and education.
30.11.2021 | Statistical Office of the SR | yearly | Labour cost | Publication - Data overview
Results of the sample survey on total labour costs paid by an employer per employees, (wage and other costs by individual items).