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Statistical Office SR
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19.11.2021 | | Number of views: 90742

Selected indicators - Methodolical notes

Theatres - presented are indicators on professional theatres including puppet theatres. The key indicator is the number of permanent stages in operation. A theatre can manage one or more theatre stages.

Galleries - the object of the statistical survey are all types of galleries.

Museums - al museums are included in statistical survey.

Periodical press - the table presents newspapers and journals registered and distributed in the SR at the national, regional and municipal levels.

Radio broadcasting - the indicators of radio broadcasting encompasses providers according to law- (public broadcasters) and providers on the basis of licences (private broadcasters).

TV broadcasting - included are all television transmitters which posses a licence to spread television programming services according to law (public broadcasters), or by licence (private broadcasters).

Public libraries and University libraries - the indicator "Loans to readers in total" includes loans of all library units, i.e. books, periodicals and other documents and information sources to the readers community only, i.e. excluding inter-library loan services.

Cultural-educational institutions (CEI) - there are CEI public, regional, and communal self-administration and other legal and physical entities.

Observatories, planetariums and astronomical cabinets - data for all of the Slovak Republic is provided by the Slovak main observatory at Hurbanovo.

Orchestras - data refers to organizations of music which were established by Ministry of Culture SR and others public and non public subjects.

/wps/portal/ext/themes/demography/culture/metadata Culture Z6_Q7I8BB1A085700INSU00VS0CA2 /Štatistický úrad SR - Home /Statistics /Demography and social statistics /Culture /Metadata