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Statistical Office SR
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19.11.2021 | | Number of views: 85598

Selected indicators - methodical notes


Data on health care is summarily published for the branches of the Ministry of Health of the SR, the Ministry of Defence of the SR, the Ministry of Interior of the SR, the Ministry of Justice of the SR, the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the SR.

Considering the change of legislation (the Act No. 578/2004 Coll. on health care providers, health workers, professional organizations in health sector as amended and supplemented by some acts) the data since the year 2005 are published according to the new division of the health facilities.

The health care facilities include out-patient health care facilities, institutional health care facilities, pharmaceutical care facilities, haematology and transfusiology facilities and other facilities. The out-patient health care facilities contain general out-patient care units, specialised out-patient care units, emergency out-patient units, facilities providing day care, residential health care units, policlinics, home nursing care agencies, facilities for common examination and curative components, mobile hospices and out-patient medical first aid service units (since the year 2009). The institutional health care facilities cover general hospitals, specialised hospitals, institutes for treatment, hospice, houses of nursing care, natural curative spas, spa institutes and facilities of biomedicine research. Category of natural curative spas contains also curative spa institutes. Category Public pharmacies cover public pharmacies, subsidiaries of public pharmacies and public pharmacies as a training point.

Public pharmacy provides pharmacy care including individual preparation of drugs for public, out-patient health care facility and institutional health care facility, if institutional health care facility does not have a hospital pharmacy.

Working post is determined by the number of contractual duty hours of independent specialized health professionals according to the particular rules where total length of set (specified) working time per week is considered as one working post. Partial or additional duties are converted to the whole working posts. The conversion of the number of employees into the whole working posts is not performed on principle at those employees, whom shorter working time has been set by legal regulations from the reasons of harmful to health environment and the like.

Data on incapacity for work is obtained from administrative source Social Insurance Agency.  

Average number of persons covered by sickness insurance comprises the insured employees, self-employed persons and voluntary insured persons.

Average duration of incapacity for work is the number of calendar days of incapacity for work per one newly reported case of incapacity for work.

Average percentage of incapacity for work per year is calculated as a ratio of number of calendar days of incapacity for work due to disease and injury and average number of persons covered by sickness insurance, multiplied by the number of calendar days of the year.

Infectious diseases data are obtained from the compulsory announcements. There are only newly notified cases presented. In the case of tuberculosis newly notified cases are surveyed including relapses.

Data on drugs consumption is obtained from reports of drugs distributors. Drugs consumption is given in number of consumed packs and financial value.

Average price of drug per pack is defined as a ratio of value of consumed drugs in SKK, EUR and number of packs of consumed drugs. The value of consumed drugs is expressed in SKK, EUR and for its calculation is used maximal price determined by the Ministry of Finance of the SR in the period of drug consumption.

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