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Statistical Office SR
Income, expenses and living conditions
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Income, expenses and living conditions

07.10.2021 | | Number of views: 111037

Statistics on living conditions includes Statistics on household income and expenditures (Household Budget Survey), Statistics on income and living conditions (EU SILC) and Food Consumption Statistics.

Household Budget survey (HBS) provides information for analyses of living standard and social situation of private households, especially information on development and structure of their expenditures and incomes. In the Household Budget Survey, international classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP) of usage was applied, as required for HBS by Eurostat. In case of income items, the survey followed Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU SILC).

EU SILC survey conducted in the SR as the first European harmonised survey in households within the project of European Statistical Surveys. It is carried out in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 (pdf - 87 kB) of the European Parliament and of the Council on concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions and Regulation (EC) No 1553/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which complements previous regulation.

In the SR the survey is implemented from 2005 through interview in households using paper questionnaires. The aim of this statistical survey is to gather representative and comparable information on level and income distribution, level and composition of poverty and social exclusion. The results there are databases on income, health, education, employment, housing of individuals and households including some demographic information. Obtained data will help to objective evaluation, international comparison and analysis of life quality of population in regions and individual countries of the EU.

The aim of the food consumption statistics is to provide information on consumption of the basic kind of foodstuffs and beverages in the SR. The average consumption of selected food and alcoholic beverages is total amount of the commodity available in the country as human food during given year. Data are calculated using the balance method. Main data inputs used for the calculation are data on domestic production, imports, exports, initial and final stocks. For calculation of consumption per inhabitant, mid-year population in the current year is used. Calculation of individual data on consumption of food is based mainly on statistical information of the Statistical Office of the SR and the Ministry of Agriculture of the SR.

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