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Last update: 05.10.2016 | Number of views: 105846

Gender statistics represent a way of penetration into the world of women and men in the contemporary society. They reveal information about their status in various spheres of life. They are a statistical area taking into account traditional areas aimed at the identification, production and dissemination of statistics reflecting the reality of life of men and women and political aspects of gender equality. It does not take into consideration only the biological sign – gender, which is given and unchangeable. The gender statistics point out especially the social differences between men and women, taking into consideration different life tasks and preferences.

Quality of life is one of the relatively new areas within the statistical production. Theoretically it is based on the recommendations for statistics, contained in the so-called. Stiglitz - Sen - Fituossiho report (2009). There are several definitions of quality of life as well as a number of theoretical concepts for its measurement. Quality of life indicators produced and disseminated by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic is based on a concept generally accepted within the European Statistical System.

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