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Statistical Office SR
Indicator of equality between women and men
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Indicator of equality between women and men

09.05.2022 | | Number of views: 102681

Equality between men and women (gender equality) is perceived as an expression of the socially just democratic society. The European Union has enshrined the gender equality among the basic principles and obliges member States to apply it in all policies and measures for its reinforcing. Except the moral and social dimensions, gender equality has a significant economic justification as well, it is an inevitable economic investment for the future and contributes to the economic growth of the society in several respects.

The Statistical Office of the SR is dealing with women´s role in society in several respects:

  • Conducts statistical surveys in order to know and describe factors affecting the position of women in society, based on the necessity of statistical data collection divided by statistics;
  • Releases relevant statistical information by all available forms by women and men;
  • Provides relevant and comparable statistical data for gender analyses, performs publication activities;
  • Actively co-operates in an international project of UN in database completion in the field of gender equality statistics for the SR;
  • As regards the National Action Plan for Gender Equality it fulfils tasks in the field of gender equality strengthening in cross-sectional statistics.

The published statistical data aimed at the problem of gender equality shall serve as a starting point for proposing of appropriate measures in decision making of the government and legislative authorities, as well as in summary results and the review whether the principle of integrating equal opportunities between men and women can be applied or not in practice.

/wps/portal/ext/themes/living/gender/about Indicator of equality between women and men Z6_VLP8BB1A08HM10IFLPVPET1707 /Štatistický úrad SR - Home /Statistics /Indicators /Indicator of equality between women and men /About theme