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Quality of life indicators
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Quality of life indicators

Last update: 05.10.2016 | Number of views: 86489

Quality of life is one of the relatively new areas within the statistical production. Theoretically it is based on the recommendations for statistics, contained in the so-called. Stiglitz - Sen - Fituossiho report (2009). There are several definitions of quality of life as well as a number of theoretical concepts for its measurement.

Quality of life indicators produced and disseminated by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic is based on a concept generally accepted within the European Statistical System. The following requirements apply for this concept:

  • The data source for quality of life indicators are mainly sample statistical surveys (e. g. Labour Force Survey, EU SILC, EHIS, HBS), which correspond to statistical requirements on the quality, especially robustness, timeliness and comparability within the EU.
  • The proposed indicators relating to the quality of life of the individual.
  • The indicators cover both, objective and subjective aspect quality of life.
  • The indicators provide a measurement of people well-being for the following 9 areas (dimensions):
    1. Material living conditions,
    2. Productive or main activity,
    3. Health,
    4. Education,
    5. Leisure and social interactions,
    6. Economic and physical safety,
    7. Governance and basic rights,
    8. Natural and living environment,
    9. Overall experience of life.

In 2013 the module was integrated into the EU SILC survey, that is the source of data on subjective well-being of the population of Slovakia, namely about satisfaction with the various aspects of life, on overall satisfaction, on the meaning of life, trust in political and legal system, but also about the feelings.

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