840 05 Bratislava 45
tel.: +421 2 50 236 222
The index of consumer prices of goods and services expresses the average rate of price change of goods and services purchased for consumption purpose in prevailing cases of households of the Slovak Republic. The Statistical Office of the SR calculates consumer price index (cost of living index) for all households. The index presents the price development on a generally average level as well as for selected types of social groups of households – employees, pensioners and for group of low –income households. The selection of representative items in the consumer price indices for all households as well as for individual social types of households is the same, only weights are different.
Consumer prices of individual representatives are collected on the whole territory of the SR from the network of selected shops and service business, where inhabitants usually do shopping. The prices are collected during first twenty days of surveyed month. Goods and services with significant share on expenditures of population and represent whole consumption by their extent were selected as price representative items. In compliance with the Eurostat methodology universal consumer basket is broken down onto 12 branches by COICOP classification.
The purpose of statistical surveys on production statistics prices is to ensure processing of sale producers prices. Producers price index expresses total rate of price change of the file of selected significant products with constant quality produced by producers, determined for domestic market (in case of industrial producers price index also for export). Production statistics indices mainly serve for monitoring of price development, analytical purpose and deflating of receipts of selected groups of industrial production and national accounts data.
The surveys are carried out by statistical questionnaires send to selected reporting units. The questionnaires are filled for selected representatives. There are surveyed realization prices of inland production on so called "primary market" between producers and the first purchaser. The price is without value added tax and excise duty.