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Statistical Office SR
Spotrebiteľské ceny a ceny produkčných štatistík

Consumer prices and prices of production statistics

Indexy cien priemyselných výrobcov v SR

28.09.2021 | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview | monthly | Consumer prices and prices of production statistics

Price indices of industrial producers in the SR num. 8/2021

Monthly indices by CPA in the domestic for export and excise duties in total (domestic and particularly the excise duty) ...

Indexy cien stavebných prác, materiálov a výrobkov spotrebovávaných v stavebníctve SR

28.04.2021 | Statistical Office of the SR | quarterly | Publication - Data overview | Consumer prices and prices of production statistics

Price indices of construction works, materials and components used in construction industry of Slovak Republic for the 1st quarter 2021

Price indices of construction works in the SR by CPA, Classification of types of Construction, production indices and producer prices ...

Indexy cien poľnohospodárskych výrobkov v SR/Price Indices of Industrial Producers in the SR

28.08.2015 | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview | monthly | Consumer prices and prices of production statistics

Producer Price Indices of Agricultural Products in the SR num. 7/2015

Monthly producer price indices of agricultural products, their aggregates, agricultural prices in the Slovak Republics by regions.

Indexy cien priemyselných výrobcov v SR/Price Indices of Industrial Producers in the SR

28.08.2015 | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview | monthly | Consumer prices and prices of production statistics

Price Indices of Industrial Producers in the SR num. 7/2015

Monthly indices by CPA in the domestic for export and excise duties in total (domestic and particularly the excise duty)...

Indexy cien stavebných prác, materiálov a výrobkov spotrebovávaných v stavebníctve SR/PRICE INDICES OF CONSTRUCTION WORKS, MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS USED IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF SLOVAK REPUBLIC

28.08.2015 | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview | monthly | Consumer prices and prices of production statistics

Price Indices of Construction Work, Materials and Products Consumed in Construction in the Slovak Republic num. 7/2015

Quarterly price indices of construction works in the SR by CPA, Classification of types of Construction, production indices and producer prices...

/wps/portal/ext/themes/macroeconomic/prices/publications Spotrebiteľské ceny a ceny produkčných štatistík Z6_Q7I8BB1A085700INSU00VS0TS7 /Štatistický úrad SR - Home /Statistics /Macroeconomic statistics /Consumer prices and prices of production statistics /Publications